Quiz Thread #6

Wrong Answer Roulette - 49/200 Hit a mine.
Missing "D" Acronyms - 28/32
Foods That Are Red - 19/20
Hallowe'en theme ladder. I got 11/26

Vintage Hallowe'en Customs. I got 7/25. We always made our own customs. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

Vowel-less TV shows. I got 31/40
Halloween Theme Ladder - 26/26 with :37 left
Vintage Halloween Costumes - 20/25
Vowel-less TV Shows - 37/40
I think even with the time change it's been 24 hours since I posted, so here are more quizzes! :)

I won't get too picky for a few minutes :)

'B' Boys names by decade. I got 72/112

TV Debuts in 1998. 1/20. Must have been a real stellar year for TV shows :rolleyes:

Name the US States. I got 40/50 but with a little help with spellings I did get all 50 of them :)
TV Debuts in 1998. 1/20. Must have been a real stellar year for TV shows :rolleyes:
Personally I never watched any of them. I think thats why I got 1/20 on it. I've seen "Powerpuff Girls" stuff in the stores so I recognized it. :lol:

"B" Boy Names by Decade - 102/112

Name the US States - 49/50 - with problems spelling the usual one (Louisiana - for some reason I never have been able to spell it) :vulcan:

Quizzes! Yay! :D

Corporate Logo Closeups - 18/24
"L" TV Shows - 13/20

Blackflag said:
And lets see how well Jacquie and Smokey can still remember "Grave Danger" - 14/15 - he was in there longer than I remembered! :alienblush:

15/15 - I remember Warrick saying, "Our guy was taken around 11", then a bit later is when they got the ransom demand that said 12 hours, so that would put them at early afternoon the next day when Grissom delivered the money, and then it was dark again when they found him. At least that's how I've always figured it. :)
ST: TNG Cast - 13/13 with :53 left. As it should be, I've met Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, & LeVar Burton. :) Yes, I was a Treckie! :p

US Military Ranks - 89/104

Things That Are Blue - 16/20

Star Trek TNG - 2/13 and only because everyone knows Picard and because Will Wheaton is on TBBT. :lol:
Military Ranks - 102/104 Surprised myself!
Things that are Blue - 16/20