Quiz Thread #3

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Celebrity Names 9/10
Fact or Fiction 4/10
Are You Superstitious 9/10. It would have been 10/10 if I had answered one of the questions with the true answer as opposed to the answer I wanted it to be.
Celebrity Names: 9/10
Fact or Fiction: 5/10
Are you superstitious: 10/10

ETA The superstitions quiz was a little confusing. It said are you superstitious and when I took it thinking that way I got 1/10. I'm not a superstitious person, or was it really asking if you knew what the superstitions were, which I know and got 10/10. Ok, which one was it?
Celebrity Name Game: 6/10
Fact or Fiction: 5/10
Are You Superstitious?: 3/10 - For quite a few of these for me to be completely honest I really needed a 'none of the above' answer! :lol:

Wow I did quite well on these three :)

Season 4 pt1 14/15
Season 4 pt2 15/15
Season 4 pt3 14/15
Season 4 pt1 15/15
Season 4 pt2 15/15
Season 4 pt3 15/15

:lol: Guessed on some of them...the memory fuction is missfiring. :)
Considering I don't own season 4 I did real good on these. :D

Part 1: 14/15 (I do not know my Shakespeare!)
Part 2: 13/15 (Need to pay more attention to After the Show.)
Part 3: 14/15 (Thought Walter Darian had a sister? Didn't he give her the kid?)

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