Quiz Thread #3

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The Penny Quiz: I didn't get it right

Who Is This Man: I got it right, but I didn't know who it was.

Cereal: Don't know I could see the answers something wrong with the server.

Pets Gone Wild: 3/10

Airplane: Don't know same thing happened with the cereal.
A quiz to check your board game knowledge. I got a 9/10, should have been 10/10 but I mixed up a couple of games. Beware - you need to spell some. :lol:

Which board game?

I got 9/10 on the board games. Surprisingly I haven't played some of them. I should have gotten 10/10 but I changed my mind on #9 :mad:
Board games: 10/10. I love board games, too bad I don't really have people to play with me :p I usually play Scrabble the most, but I love Pictionary. Never played some of those though.
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