Question about Eric

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Prime Suspect
Okay, so how old is Eric supposed to be on the show? We know that Eric is younger than Marisol, she's even said it. But when she died, her tombstone read 1978-2006, right? So that would make her 28 years old. How old is Eric then? He can't be too young, because wasn't he one of Horatio's first recruits as a CSI and hasn't he been working there the longest after Horatio?

And also, how come Delko's other 2 sisters are never mentioned? Like, in Man Down, Calleigh tells Delko his parents are on their way, and Delko asks for Marisol. What about his other 2 sisters. I can understand him asking for Marisol because he was probably closest to her and she lived in Miami, but couldn't they have mentioned his other 2 sisters?
A mod is going to be here very soon, probably once I post this, but Eric was younger than Marisol- they either messed up on the tombstone, or thats a mystery to be revealed later in the show. As for Delkos two sisters, I really havent heard them mentioned on the show at all, I didnt even know he had 2 other sisters until somebody mentioned it yesterday so I cant help you out much there. :)
You should ask in the Delko thread. However I think Marisol was 1968-2006, not 78. But the Delko people should know. :D A mod will probably lock this up. :)
Here's the link to the Delko/Adam thread, like cainesugar suggested. I believe that question has been discussed in there as well, so I'm sure they'd be happy to help you out in more detail. (Though ILuvJonathanTogo gave an exellent answer ;)) Also, you could try the CSI:Miami Question Thread as well. Everyone there is always glad to lend a helping hand. :)

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