Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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carlz31 said:
Tinkerbell said:
I have Green eyes. :D

When I was a child I had hazel eyes, they changed in my early teens! :eek: Is that normal? :lol:
when i was a baby, my eyes were brown, and now they're pretty much green, and they only started becoming green in my early teens, so i don't know...is that normal?! :eek: :lol:

I think that's kind of like how some people's hair colour changes - the same concept I guess :) My hair and eyes have always been the same colour though.
But don't take my full word for it!
All babies are born with blue eyes that stay that way for the first couple of weeks and then they change depeding on the eye colour of you parents. Its genetics so if both parents have blue eyes then you will have bue eyes too and if one has blue and one has brown eyes then there is a greater chance of the child having brown eyes as they are dominant.
Wouldn't it be weird, if hair and eyes were of the same colour. When eyes are blue, the hair turns blue. When eyes are green, the hair turns green. Whoa! The world would be so colourful! :lol:
I have brown eyes, which turn hazel when I'm outside. I hope they'll slowly turn into grey like my brother and dad's. :)
Brown eyes (the color for eyes I love most...)...with light blue crystalline lens (some book once talked about the reason why their color differs to people, just canot recall where I read that book :rolleyes:)...
Next poll :)

I was thinking, I don't have a TV in my room (just one big 32 inch one downstairs instead :lol: ), so I was wondering how many lucky people have one in their bedroom :p
Had to vote 'no'.. there is one actually in my room, but it's just there because we don't have anywhere else to put it and it's mine, since when I lived in a student house, I had it in my room.. but I have no cables here whatsoever, so it's not connected to anything :) I don't mind actually..
Nah I don't, we have one TV in the house.........which is actaully pretty strange apparently!

I wouldn't want one though, in theory yea, but I would just watch it ALL the time! Wait......... I'm sure there was a downside! :lol:
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