Poll: Do you want Sara to live or die? NO SPOILERS

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I chose die. As much as I loved her character, she's not the awesome Sara character she used to be. I'm with you, Mia.

I'd only have her live if we could have real Sara back. Perhaps real Grissom would be nice too...
i don't agree with that. in S1-3 she was fighting her demons, and her investigator-immaturity. she was emotional during cases, cried after victims no matter if it was Pamela Adler in a coma or a dead gorilla. she put up fights with suspects and was visibly looking for love everywhere she went.

i watched Crush and Burn the other night and i honestly disliked her character for forcing herself upon Hank all the time. if i were him i'd pretty much find her annoying. she was bold with Grissom asking him to dinner, and i can't really blame him he refused. in the beginning of the series both of them were almost each other's opposites. it takes only Too Tough To Die to realize that.

but then in S4 she calmed herself. still there were cases like Homebodies that got to her but i think that at that point in the series she realized she needs to change or she won't be able to do her job. her DUI was a breaking point IMO.

so then we've got her in S5 with Nesting Dolls giving us answers and marking the beginning of a new Sara. calm, collected, simply a pro who is doing her job for many years but still with compassion, just not so overwhelming. i think that Grissom saw this change and realized they are both ready to be together by the end of that season.

but this is not the thread for a 'ship talk'. i just wanted to say that i like her much better when she is a proffesional investigator than a sensitive rookie. she grew, she matured, she's older and more experienced thus smarter. she knows how to survive in this business. if she stayed the same she was in S1 she would go insane or quit.
^I think what you pointed out is true to some degree. But, and this is my main problem with the "new" Sara, she has become boring. I just plain don't find her interesting anymore, no tough-girl-thing, nothing. Just plain doing her job is not what a tv show should be about. Since when do people tune in to tv shows to see people just doing their job? To me, there has to be something intriguing, and Sara doing her job and gazing longingly at Grissom does not merit my precious ;) time being wasted.
I want her to live. She's a great character and I like her more now than in the first seasons too. I agree, the GSR put her personality in the background, I don't think we can say she's new, we don't see the same face of her, but we can hope it won't be the same this year. However, I'll always love Sara.
I want her to live. Her character has a lot of layers and I think that there's a lot of things they can do with it. They introduced us to her background, but they haven't really scratched the surface.

Maybe there should have been the choice: Live, but leave the show...I think a lot of fans would like to have the possibility of her returning.
There's a surprising amount of people who want her to die...

I chose live, though I see what a lot of people are saying about her character. I'm not sure I'd be happy to watch her character just disappear they way it has been doing this last season. Maybe being trapped under a car will bring back strong, passionate Sara?
i agree that she is not the same as she used to be but i want her to live because she is my favorite character and i want to know more about her and see what this cliffhanger will do for her and how it effects her and the outcome.
Hey *jumps in here* :D
I want Sara to live because I like her character too much to let her die in any way. I'd like to see more about her, about her past or something else but mostly I wanna see more with her and Grissom. They've a great chemistry together.. ;)
There's still so mcuh to figure out about her, her character that it would be a real waste to kill her of.
When I started watching the show six months ago I really did not care for Sara. Then I started watching the reruns on Spike and really got to see the character of Sara evolve and now I really like her. I really want her and Grissom to connect. I think they would be great for each other. If she gets killed off I think the show will lose a great character that I personally connect with. I will miss her if they get rid of her.
Sara seems to have become the plain-Jane that every high-school girl wants to be, since she's the "chosen one" and has gotten status because of the relationship with her boss (the alpha-male).

Please let her die and the ridiculous idea of mature love needing to be hidden die with it. It's too juvenile for this show.

The Sara that once was is now a mere vessel for juvenile dreams and not interesting at all. She battles identity-issues that teens go throuh and she's over 30 - not credible at all. The character is in fact, already dead and something pale and vague took her place in S6 and 7.
There wasn't a choice for "quandry", so... :lol:

I'd say "live" because I'm a fan of Jorja Fox as an actress, but part of me is shouting "die" from behind some closed door, because her character has become (due to GSR) a lightning rod that detracts from the show. So I refuse to commit to either option; I'll just hope against hope that TPTB make the denouement of this cliffhanger worth the wait, whatever the case is...and, if Jorja's leaving the show, I'll be anxious to hear what she does next. I first became a fan of her on "West Wing" - love to see what else she can do!
I voted die.

I mean, at first I really wanted her to live. And I was upset that they threw her under the car and stuff, but like other people have said, her character has changed. Now I just think that Sara is annoying.

Plus, TPTB keep doing these 'near-death' season finales. Can't they just kill someone already? And I mean a main character. Not Holly Gribbs who only got to be in one episode, or Catherine's dad who we weren't sure if he was ever good or not.

Also GSR really annoys me. And my main ship is never going to happen. So, I'd be okay with her dying. :D
I chose live of course, CSI without Sara is like The X-files without Mulder. Killing off one of the main characters is killing off a show to my opinion.

I think most people are kinda biased, there are other solutions to get rid of GSR. Sara doesn't need to die for that. I think that relationship was already over before it even begun. I probably won't even watch CSI without Sara, she's my favourite character and even though I don't agree with the storyline they've given her, I still don't want her dead.
I say live. Her character is amazing and the show would be way too different without her. I think I read somewhere that someone wants her to die so the GSR will end, but that can end without her dying. She needs to live, any team member gone would ruin the show, main chatacter or reoccuring.
I'm torn, like Destiny said there was no other choice than live or die.

CSI is an ensemble. Each character brings 'something' to the show.

Sara had some rough edges which made her intersting. She had a lot of secrets which also made her interesting.
She has changed some. She became 'the girlfriend'. I don't ship GSR but that's what she IMO is being portrayed as.

Now, if she died, Grissom would (the way the relationship is going) pine after her. Of course, everyone else would have some reaction to her death, but Grissom more than others. I think that would stall the show some. TPTB lately haven't been writing any contination in everyone's storyline but if something happened to Sara, I think they would do it for Grissom. *Again, my opinion*

If she lives, we can see her edges, her secrets revealed and some more character development than just 'the girlfriend'.

Sara is not 'my all-time favorite' character but I think the show would be different without her.

SO, Can I BE UNDECIDED?? :eek:
I already vote for her to live. I have to agree with Adzix. I didn't like her in the beginning 'till fifth season, Nesting Dolls.

First, she has a crush on Grissom, that's normal for a little while after she break up with Hank the shanked then she went back on her crush on Grissom then became obesses with him and when she ask him out to dinner and he said, no. He was very uncomfortable around her. Then she finally wise up in fourth season, she's realize she need to back off around Grissom and let him come around when he is ready to ask her out. When Nesting Dolls came on, she is so angry and she told Grissom about her past. I like her now and she is not going anywhere. I don't believe the TPTB is going to kill Sara off and they will said by now if she leaving or not and they got quiet all of sudden.
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