Poetry, Anyone?

I've written a bunch of poetry lately because we had to do it for English, so I thought I'd share! If anyone else has poetry they've written or would like to talk about poems they like, then go right ahead!

We were given 10 prompts; I've done 7 of them.

Prompt 1: This was a marginal poem, which mean it had to stay inside the margins of our paper. My teacher had 9 random words. She'd pick a word and we'd have to write a line of our poem, then we'd get the next word, write the next line, etc. It was very interesting, lol. The bold words are the words we were given.

"Marginal Poem"

A pattern emerged as time went on
Emotions repeated like a circle
Something glimmering would soon be lost
As one love leaves, towards another one he crawls
He was forced to wade through conflicting thoughts
It became too easy for strong feelings to scatter
If he thought at last this one will shine, he soon found he was wrong
He felt like a snake had made a coil around his heart
He couldn't help but let love fall

Everyone else in the class had such different ones for that. For example the girl behind me had a funny one. It went from a bunch of people looking at a painting in a museum to an explosion killing them all :eek:

Prompt 4: We had to pick from a packet. There were 6 prompts in the packet: write a poem in response to "This Is A Poem To My Son Peter"/write a poem to a parent about a time you felt punished/write a poem to someone you wrongly hurt, write a poem about what you would do if you were in charge of the world, create a poem in which each line has a different worry about procrastinating over something, describe a sunrise, write a poem like "Jabberwocky" using nonsense words, or write an apology in the form of a poem. I chose the sunrise. This is one of my favorites that I've ever written!


Morning’s first light shyly peeks above the trees
It wakes and stretches, feeling the soft, cool breeze
A field of tulips blooms in the sky
On brand new wings, a bird soars high
The darkest corners are touched by fingers of gold
Shadows are chased away, warmth replaces the cold
The sweet smell of spring floats on the air
New life grows with uninhibited flair
The moon lost the battle, the stars are now gone
A new day has broken with the arrival of dawn

Prompt 5: This one had to use a sound device to enhance the poem's mood or reflect the poem's subject. I used alliteration and rhyming to make it sing-songy! I had a lot of fun doing this one!

"The Ham"

Sally Simpson said to Sam,
“Will we work on Wednesday’s ham?”
He replied, “I hope so, hun;
Dinner dare not be badly done.”
They toiled tremendously, side by side,
Preparing the perfect pork they had eyed.
Everything ended up easy and fine
And soon all acquaintances had arrived at nine.
Happily they took up ten table spots
Waiting for dinner and Sally’s dress daubed with dots.
She straightened her hair and smiled her best,
Joyfully holding the ham and joining the rest.
Promptly she tripped, she tumbled, she tipped!
Shoes had sneakily out from under her slipped.
Food was forgotten as friends had a laugh;
Sally sat and sulked without as much as a half.

Prompt 6: This was a cool one. We had to pick any word, then brainstorm a list of words that relate by sound, not meaning. Then we had to pick 6 or 7 of those from the list and use them in a poem with the original word in the title. The bold words are the words that came from the original word, ocean. I really like this one. The dots are in place of spaces. I made it look like water with line 1 being tabbed 1 space, line 2 tabbed 2 spaces, line 3 tabbed 1, line 4 tabbed 0, line 5 tabbed 1, etc. so it gave the effect of flowing water. But I can't do that here :(

"Ocean Night"

Open, vast, still, and black,
.....It reflects a twinkling jewelbox.
..........Dark waters quietly lap the shores.
.....White foam rushes in, pulls out
In calm, never-ending motion, and
.....One lone boat sways in the waves.
..........The little town sleeps in silence but
.....Peaceful emotions are soon to end.
The horizon is alight, burning
.....With red fires that spell an omen.

Prompt 8: We had to go to www.magpo.com. You know those boards with all the little words as magnets that you can make into stories? Well, it's that, but online. There are six "kits" with specific words for you to choose from. I picked the artist kit!


ink silhouette on the pad
a woman captured in color
the artist draws her with fiery passion
an angel is coming alive
paint strokes compose a vivid dream
imagination creates beauty in his empty life

Prompt 9: This was an acrostic, but not any normal acrostic! We had to pick any word, then use each letter to begin a word that had to do with the original poem. Then we had to write the poem using those words as is. My word was waterfall.


Whitewater fills the deep pool, the
Aqueous giver and sustainer of all. The
Torrent twists, it turns, it snakes around rocks, as
Ever-flowing as the river of life.
Rushing and gushing, it’s a beautiful sight.
Falling constantly, it can’t be stopped.
Azure water is crystal clear as it storms from
Lofty heights.
Luxurious paradise lies in its mist.

Prompt 10: For this one, we could write anything. This one was inspired by me reading too much about forensics/crime lately and by ancienttomb describing bones as "white as snow" over in the Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?] thread!


They lie forgotten
Lost, exposed
In the city life moves on
As one life lies frozen in time
Her screams faded years ago
Her killer faded into time
She disappeared one night
But no one looked
And no one found
A red rose blooms
On the spot where her body fell
Its petals dyed in the scarlet blood that was spilled
The bones lie forgotten
Lost, exposed
Dirty, grimy
But crimson glows amidst the gloom
One day someone will find the rose
One day someone will find the rose

There are 3 prompts that I haven't done yet. 2 was to write a poem modeled after "Mother to Son." Give advice about something to someone who needs it; use an extended metaphor. Focus on free and creative choice and extension of the metaphor. 3 told us to use a central symbol to write a poem about a choice you've made or will make. And 7 said write a "portrait" poem about somebody, real or fictitious. Use words to enhance your tone towards that person. I mite do 7 about Greg ;)

Sooo I'd like to hear what ya'll think about my poems! :D Also if anyone's written any of their own, feel free to post! And discussion of famous poems is welcome, too!
HOLY CRAP, JEFF...youre freaking talented!!! keep up the good work! ;)

i`d share mine...but as therapy...my ex boyfriend thought it would be a good idea that i throw my emo poetry notebook away...haha :rolleyes:
Jeff...can I just say I love you to death right now?! *fiddles with braid* If only you were less bi, and there was not the 10 (or 11?) year age split between us...*remembers she has a boyfriend* Crap. Oh well. It wouldn't work out anyway. :rolleyes: {Since a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend...no, I'm not hitting on you or flirting with you.:lol: }

Here's some of Nikka's jibberish...

Morning sun with whispers of winter light
only leaves me wanting you--
night brings the cold truth

Our favorite house was always more than that, full of comfort beneath your words

We could never make it to work on time

But people change and rooms fall through

Love keeps watch when every day risks rain

Eh...I'll be leaving now. *runs to hide under bed*

And yes, I like your stuff
Well, I can analyze poetry six ways to Sunday but to be perfectly honest, I can't stand writing it, myself. Probably cause I'm really no good at it. :lol:

However, I do have to say that I enjoy reading the occasional poem and Jeff, I particularly enjoyed "Ocean Night." Excellent use of imagery.

Anyways, since there's no way in hell I'm gonna post my crappy, sometimes-alcohol-induced poetry, I'll share two of my all time favorite poems:

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 29

When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Percy Bysshe Shelley - Music, When Soft Voices Die

Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heap'd for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
OMG Jeff, your poetry rocks! I love reading other people's poetry! I saw "the Outsiders" the other day on A&E and Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay" was recited:

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

These are some of my friend's poems:

To show who I am
Through song
Through music
Through writing
That lets me fly free

Keeps me from
Throwing away
What is destined
For me

Is to show
How open I am
To the world
And rarely have it returned

Of the best times
Of my life
Help me live life
To the very fullest

Like colorful butterflies
Soaring sky high
In my spirit

I can’t believe this is happening.
I can’t do this to myself.
I can’t.

I know I shouldn’t think like this, but I do
I don’t want to.
I look at you, and then look away
I’m so confused, yet I know it all.

Thousands of thoughts race through my head.
I never wish to dwell.
I never wished to feel this way.
I don’t know who to confide in.

then there's more here
Nice poems :)

It's really not my thingy. Oh god I didn't hate anything more in Finnish classes than poetry analysis. It's just not my thing.
I love Sonnet 29. Probably because I was brainwashed with it from High School and until now, in Literature. lol. And Percy Bysshe Shelley also has a wonderful poem, "To the West Wind".

My favorite popular poem is from Robert Frost:

"Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening"

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it's queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

And here is one of mine:

"Bittersweet Symphony"

Intertwining fingers beneath the sultry melody,
... I confuse fiction from reality.

A strong slap of arguable cologne
- reminds a feeling I should condemn-
stirs awake from its shallow grave,
dug out of a feeble fork and
uncontrollable misty eyes.

Exposed breaths tickling,
Parting emotions over the crashing tidal wave...
Who could you save?

When the symphony's bittersweet tirade
escapes the recesses of your thirsty
and you drown in a pool of misty eyes and
twining fingers...

in a passion- that would, could never linger.

Most of my poems are here, if anyone's interested. :)
Woah. :eek:

Those poems are great! I like the Ocean Night and the Snow-White. I like reading poetry but not analysing it. It's just not my thing. It's very impressive, Jeff! :D
All the other poems you all have posted are great!

I WROTE ANOTHER ONE! Problem is, I don't know which prompt to use it for, cuz it matches with two of them...

"The Wall"

The Wall

“Climb over the wall,” they told me
“You’ve gotta stop staring at it,” they said,
“Just go.”
But the wall is high, so very high,
And who knows what lies on the other side?
I want to know
Yet I am afraid.
What I’ve been waiting for all my life could be
Right in front of me,
But the first step is the hardest.
I know what they’re telling me is what I should do
So why don’t I just go?
I stand at the bottom,
A lifetime rising above me.
I’ve got to ignore all that’s in my head
All the worries, all the fears,
And go.

I found myself wandering
Alone; I was in the cold
I had no one to talk to
Felt my life was on hold

Through the pain and suffering
I know I'll make it thorugh
I wipe my tears from my face
It was something I had to do

I hide my face
From the world
For no one to see
But I only know
That I'm the one
Who could set her free

Lying, crying, slowly dying
The pain the I am now defying
The words I thought would never secrete
From my lips, for now they speak

For she has left
It was for the best
The clouds now disappear
My mind, my heart, and now my soul
Are now under my own control

As for the sun
Now It shines
My heart's no longer cold
Though she's gone
I can go on
And so the truth is told

This is more of a song. But here:

I found myself wandering
In a sea of emptyness
I could not see
I could not breathe
I want to be free
I look around
To find a way out
But the emptyness
Is slowing me down
It's choking me
Every second that passes
How could this be?
I don't wanna lose my faith
In me

But it's getting tighter
And it wont go
I'm crying out
I'm screaming no, no, no
Everything's fading right before my eyes
I'm giving up
No, no, no

It's getting tighter...

The further it pulls
The tighter it gets
The harder I try
But it's useless
I wish it would stop
In this emptyness
Before I let go
My life is such a mess
But then I see a light
A little ahead
I swim towards it
But it pulls back
I'm fighting my own
The light's getting close
I feel so liberated
Then the light disappears
And I'm alone once more

But it's getting tighter (x3)
And it wont go
I'm crying out
I'm screaming no, no, no
Everything's fading right before my eyes
I'm giving up (x8)
No, no, no

It's getting tighter...

I'll find more when I can. Tell me what you think!
Wonderful poetry people... this coming from a person who'd rather do anything but poetry... all these lovely poems have compelled me to share mine (forced from me for Gr.10 English).... ah well, enjoy, and feel free to comment


Always flowing, moving
starting lively and loud,
propelled by your choices,
constantly moving forward

to a joyous staccato,
jumpy and playful,
lightly dancing over notes of happiness,
tripping and falling through grace notes and glissandos.

Slightly slowing to start studies,
stumbling though standard scales,
continuous, repetitive,
increasingly difficult,

speeding up,
jumping joyously though keys,
the time has come no more studies!
Now the tone becomes more somber,

Steady marcato marches play,
stiff, unyielding time,
dressed in dreary tone,
never slowing, never speeding.

Smoothly slowing to soft serenades,
filled with happiness, joy, and love,
floating, drifting, softening,
into silent stillness.


Glorious It Is

The water droplets falling down from the sky
And beginning their wandering down
The slippery slope
Trickling they drip and drop,
Landing with a sonorous plop!
Glorious it is to see
Great lakes in the south
Spread amongst hills of green
Glorious it is to see

Glorious it is to see
Every droplet cascading down
Breaking into graceful flight
Glorious to see them drop
Over the cliff and into space
To the river down below
They fall with gleaming grace
Glorious it is to see

Glorious it is
To see them flow
In the valley far below
They roil in rapid through the rocks
Around which they gather in eddies
Constantly flowing unto the sea
Glorious it is to see

Glorious it is
To see the mists rising from the Earth
Returning to the sky.
Freely they rise into the sunlit sky
When the sunlight hits them,
They sparkle like tiny jewels
Suspended in the sky.
Glorious it is
When a rainbow fills the sky



Riding the waves
They suddenly dive,
And slip beneath the turquoise sea,
Down to the depths of darkness
They plunge powerfully.
Playfully chasing each other,
And rising to the surface of the sea
Jumping high from the water
In leaps filled with joy
Diving again,
Hidden by glittering waves.



I walk from the water,
After a swim under the sun,
Delighted for it was such fun.
From my bag I pluck a book,
To read while enjoying the music of the sea.

I walk to home for dinner,
And think to dessert,
Which shall it be?
Apple pie, or chocolate covered ice cream,
For me?

The sunset orange-red,
Above the sea,
Slides lower and lower,
Beckoning the world
To a silent sleep.
These poems were written over two years ago. I haven't been able to find any of my new.

When I was sad, you were there to pick me up.
When I tripped and fell right on my face, you came up guided me along.
You showed me what is right and what is wrong.
You told me two wrongs don't make a right yet I ignored and found out for myself.
You made my cry
You made me fell like I wanna die
Because you did this, I am stronger.
You are my light.
The darkness may come and hide my face but you will come and wipe it away and pull me free.
I want to thank you.
My light.
My Vision Is Blurry
Tears fill blue hues
And fall towards the ground
And when they fall I will become
A distant memory
No more will I be me
Instead, I'll be a memory
It all happens in slow motion
The tear falls from my chin and races past my hand
It's falling towards my feet
"Stop!" I would yell
But that is all behind
The future and my vision
Is blurry.
Clueless To Their Worlds
I used to be happy
I used to laugh
I used to be everything you wanted
I don't understand
I'm so clueless
So why don't you help me?
Should I sit here and stare
Pretending everything is okay?
It's just that I'm so damn clueless to their worlds
Someone hold me
And keep me there.
I Swim Through Your Veins
I swim through your vains.
The waters inside of you aren't free
They're locked and wont let me get to your heart
I must know why you are hurt
I told you!
I can't get in!
Open up
I'm not a disease
I'm your medication
I will heal your wounds
Even if that means that will take forever
I have time
Do you?
You do!
Don't ever stop believing in yourself
If you do
Then I will have to do all the work
I don't want to do that
Let me swim
I told you!
Your heart is locked.
These tears
That fall from my eyes
Aren't cause I'm happy that you are sad
It's because I am sad
I miss you.
I miss the person I used to love.
Do you know how many times I had wished for you to be happy?
So please
Let me swim and enter your heart.
Is Sorry Enough?
Is Sorry Enough?
Is it?
Is sorry enough?
I didn't mean to hurt you
I swear!
I just wanted to tell you the truth.
Too Late
Save me from my own hell
Just look at me one more time
Look at me and see my red eyes
See that my hands are cut and are bleeding
I am desperate
Don't think of me as a memory
I am with you
I want to be there
I want to see
I want to believe
It's all gone
Sorry isn't enough
I wish sorry meant more
Maybe more as in money or love
But, I haven't gone none
Instead I have fear
Please take it and lock it up in a box.
I don't want to see it anymore.
Now I cry
And these Rivers
Are for you
Don't waste them
Swim and drink them
Sorry isn't enough
silly scribbles...these are so damn old...

for my lover
you lie as only you could
tonguing the void with overly elaborate language

always the one to leave when things get ugly

for my lover, part 2
i felt your knife rip me

there beneath my skin hot iron
a thousand times over

you could not make me cry


My thoughts on all y'all's writing: <333
Question for Charisma: what is your definition of "emo?" (Your notebook) Mine is along the lines of emo-bands, for example The Cure, Morrisey, more "modern" Death Cab, Bright Eyes, Ben Folds. Ehh...I am being random again. Hm...I will go away now. :rolleyes:
I found this thread from like one year ago and decided my poems go here. Right?

A pulse
Cut them off and it withers and dies
Can't be born without them
Smarter than smart, wiser than wise
Feeds on your emotion
Takes in your surroundings
It becomes you
Overpowers you
They all couls see its soul
They all could feel its flow
Ways it moves
It walks
The deaf can hear it
The mute can make it speak
Breathing with the mouths of flutes
Its voice speaking with strings and reeds
While inside it rings
The bells of clarinets
And euphoniums
Beats with the rhythmic pulse of glockenspiels
Bass drums
Snare drums
And triangles
Part of everyone and everything
Links the world with one strong chord