Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

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Happy Birthday Nehfi-Tirri !! Hope you have a great one =) x

Also, Happy Birthday to abbyMANIC !! Hope you have a great day too =) x
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Happy Birthday to Lisajayne !! Hope you have a great day =) x

(sorry, wouldn't let me edit my last post x.)
Happy Birthday to CSI GEEK GIRL and lovey23 !! Hope you both have a great day =) x

Also Happy Birthday to Trillian42 and saramarie2008 !! Hope you both have a great one =) x
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Happy Birthday to umbrello !! Hope you have a great day =) x


Happy Birthday to tinarose !! Hope you ahve a great one =) x
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Happy Birthday Dynamo and everyone else I've missed lately. I hope everyone has or had a good day :)
Well, I am gonna say Happy Birthday to Count Dynacula too (or shall I say Dynamo instead?). Have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday Dynamo hope you get your wish and have a great day.

Happy Belated B-day to those I haven't gotten to.
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