photo manipulation fun

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That was actually the wrong picture, because it was the first draft.

Here the correct comes !
Sorry for the mistake.


The same picture in BIG !!
I wrote a fanfic story about Nick & Greg as vampires and I created a manip to go with it. thought I'd show all of you.


If you want to read it let me know: But I must warn you it is SLASH and parts are rated NC-17.
Wojo: Your picture is really first cream ! Sanders & Stokes look somehow totally sweet as vampires. Above all the sharp teeth become effective very well. One would not like to meet the two now necessarily in the dark, or perhaps nevertheless ?!

Place me your history already so correctly excitingly forwards.

;) Here still another addition of the above entry.
Are unfortunately lately something beside the trace...

aw, daddy nick is so cute! id have his babies any day :devil:
Wojo, ill read you fic too, nick, gerg and vampires?? sounds fun!
Hi! This is my first post in this thread.
I made a little manipulation for the Horatio/Calleigh shipper thread, and I thought I'd crosspost it here.... ;)

ive never been on this thread before
all your things are really cool
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