Petersen: There Was Nothing More I Could Do

CSI Files

Former leading man William Petersen (Gil Grissom) was ready to trade television for the stage when he left CSI: Crime Scene Investigation last season. (Embedded video after the jump.)Petersen thought the time had come to say goodbye to the show after nine seasons. “I felt there was nothing more I could do on CSI,” Petersen [...]

Allright already how many times are you going to state this? we get it, And I just don't understand why the rest of the cast signed on and they are doing beautifully and LF now is doing the things you say you couldn't do. Why are you still ex. producer on the show? You've moved on, and so have the fans, you've repeated this how many times now? Have fun doing your plays, and good luck to you, and good luck to the cast members who are still creative and kicking out great stories:thumbsup:
agreed competley

we are trying to move and you keep coming back and saying these things

does he feel guilty or something about leaving?? or he hasnt moved on
i think he says it b/c he gets asked the same questions everytime he does an interview.
agreed competley

we are trying to move and you keep coming back and saying these things

does he feel guilty or something about leaving?? or he hasnt moved on

I guess I'm a bit resentful and way disapointed in him. What's one more season? it's only from May:confused: When he did "Dublin Carol" back in S/7 and we got Keppler he used this 'seminar' as his excuse. He let down alot of passionate fans, and this show made him filthy rich & I do think he owes fans a better reason then he keeps giving~however the rest of the cast does care what the fans think and therefore did continue on, he could have stayed for S/10 to end and then done his 'thing' and your right maybe he does feel guilty, and keeping ones hand on as the ex.producer is not entirely moving on is it? Plus he was hanging around the set a few week's, ago so what's up with that? He's already said this mega times. So buh-bye. Or make a guest shot, is that beneath you?
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Not wanting to play the same character any longer and doing different acting jobs IS moving on. Staying on as an executive producer doesn't negate that fact.

He also didn't owe the fans anything. If he felt he had run out of options for Grissom then he was right to step aside. And comparing Grissom to Ray or LF to WP is not fair. Of course they can do a lot with Ray. He's a completely different character who hasn't been explored. Of course LF can do many different things with Ray, his character is new and continually growing. WP felt Grissom's story had run it's course and I think it's admirable that he decided to leave instead of staying on to please other people.

He played the same character for, what, eight seasons? That's a hell of a long time. It really annoys me when supposed "fans" refuse to let go or are quick to criticize someone for making a personal choice for their career or act all butthurt like him moving on was some personal slight.

It's not WP who can't move on, it's some "fans" who feel they have the right to dictate the direction of a show or the course of someone's career.
Not wanting to play the same character any longer and doing different acting jobs IS moving on. Staying on as an executive producer doesn't negate that fact.

He also didn't owe the fans anything. If he felt he had run out of options for Grissom then he was right to step aside. And comparing Grissom to Ray or LF to WP is not fair. Of course they can do a lot with Ray. He's a completely different character who hasn't been explored. Of course LF can do many different things with Ray, his character is new and continually growing. WP felt Grissom's story had run it's course and I think it's admirable that he decided to leave instead of staying on to please other people.

He played the same character for, what, eight seasons? That's a hell of a long time. It really annoys me when supposed "fans" refuse to let go or are quick to criticize someone for making a personal choice for their career or act all butthurt like him moving on was some personal slight.

It's not WP who can't move on, it's some "fans" who feel they have the right to dictate the direction of a show or the course of someone's career.

My guess is, is that some fans can't separate Grissom from WP or WP from Grissom.

Acting is not a 9-5 job and you do get burned out. Man, I'm burned out at my job right now and want to do something different. I'm going back to school to do just that, but I'll probably still be stuck here for another couple of years and that does not make me happy.

WP was burned out and as an actor, you want to try different things or you just need a change. These actors can spend 12 or more hours a day on the set being a character and then go home and try to be yourself.

He's been saying he is leaving the show for years, and now it's a problem? :wtf: He cares about the show and he shows that. As for guest starring, I wouldn't hold your breath for that happening anytime soon. I could be wrong, but it won't happen this season.
It's not like he quit halfway through his contract. When the show started, none of the cast believed that it would last more than a season or two, if that. The success was totally unexpected. Eight years is long time in an actor's life. Not everyone wants to be like Susan Lucci.
ITA with all 4 previous posters. :)

i think it should be appreciated that he actually stayed on for 4 more years than he intended. we heard him talk about leaving since season 5.

i can't imagine how is 4 years not enough? some shows don't even have as many seasons in total.
WP said on several occasions that he stayed on the show longer than he really wanted because of the fans. Although I miss Grissom, I'm thankful and appreciative to WP for the years he gave to the show.
Jorja said she just needed a break, and WP has always said he wanted to return to theatre. It seems to me, they both got what they wanted, and I hope they are both happy.
NOW, the latest buzz on this and his remarks, is that he's been in Vegas filming CSI, and then on to Paris, he sure changes his mind alot. And, I feel he does owe his fans something beings they made him a famours celebrity and filthy rich at that. The rest of the team is at least loyal and faithful to the fans:bolian: