Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

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Have a great day, Vera! Happy Birthday
Woah, thank you all so much, guys! :) *huggles everyone*
And I really enjoyed all these animations, awesome, thanks again!
(@natty: hehe... :p )

Have a great b-day Vera! Enjoy it and get back to your paper tomorrow!

Thanks hon, and even if I wanted to write today, my family kept me away, I couldn't do anything! :lol:
Oops, I missed those last wishes, thank you so much guys! :D

OK, another birthday, I don't know how many people will remember her and I also don't know if she still jumps on the board from time to time and if she might ever read this:

Happy Birthday to quoth_the_raven! Have a great day, Ann, may all your wishes come true :)
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