Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

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to my GSR buddy PiperGrissom have a great day, and here's to you
Happy birthday Laci_Caine and csi_Kristen. I hope your day of birth is a great one. Be safe, take care, and always... have fun!!!
Happy birthday Smokey!! :D Hope you have a great day, like Cap'n Jacquie said, come visit the ward. ;)
Awwww....thanks, Cap'n Jacquie (and everyone!). This is your true purpose here in the misc. thread isn't it? Just to wish me a happy birthday! :lol: And I do love me some Ward presents!!
I forgot to say Happy Birthday for you Smokey in this thread! But it's not too late;)

And Happy Birthday for you Adorable Crazy! You'll have so many presents in The Ward:D
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