Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

Yay! :D I love your latest Chase & Cameron wall, csikicksurass! It's fantastic! Thank you!!! :D :D :D
Sorry, I have not replied earlier but I've not been on this site for several days (bad csi fan that I am!). ;)

Also, Astrid - I love your Dr Who icons - the effects look really good! I love the Doctor's sonic screwdriver! :lol:
CSI_mania - love your icons! Especially, the Christain Bale (yum!) and House ones! :D
msgirl - nice Dr Who and Buffy icons - I like the Cybermen icon best. :)

I've been a very bad CSI fan and have spent the last few days creating walls and icons for my new fave show of the moment, Torchwood (spin-off from Dr Who). It's only a fling though - I'll be running back to CSI before long, begging forgiveness! :lol: ;)

Until then, allow me to share:
Torchwood icons from Ep 1x05
Torchwood walls

Promo pics - BBC.co.uk
Screencaps - The Institute (http://torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk/coppermine/index.php) except the John Barrowman on Jonathan Ross - kindly suuplied by elfinessy(over at Livejournal.com)

Various Photoshop masks, brushes and background textures provided by the talents of:
fraoch_icons (http://community.livejournal.com/fraoch_icons/)
ca_pris (http://ca-pris.livejournal.com/)
iiokua (http://iiokua.livejournal.com/)
sanami276 (http://community.livejournal.com/fangirls_inc/30229.html)
lizard--queen (http://lizard--queen.deviantart.com/gallery/resources/applications/psbrushes/) and last but by no means least,
Jenn's Sanity (http://jsshare.blogspot.com/) or (http://scully7491.deviantart.com).

Special credit to togoszmandalover for the layout design idea on 3 of the walls.

(Sorry for the lack of direct links for the credits but my post would not include them all) :(
Re: Other Fandom Icons

csi_fan_uk said:

Also, Astrid - I love your Dr Who icons - the effects look really good! I love the Doctor's sonic screwdriver! :lol:

Thanks, just learning really but they make me giggle so thought I would post them. LOVING Torchwood too at the moment. I swwoned quite heavily over all your Jack work.
Here's a banner I made for another forum. We're allowed Huge banners there compared to here.
and another I made of Gwen
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Astrid - Happy to share the Jack-love! ;)
I adore your Torchwood banners! I've snagged them both - will of course credit if used. :D
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Astrid, I had to change your pics to links. Up somewhere in "Welcome to Misc" is mentioned that pics that go over 450px in width, would be nice to posts as a link. I know this is bit different around here in talkCSI (since it's mostly decided by us mods) but just that pics that are wider than that - stretch the screen and it's not nice :p
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Thanks...will do in future soz. Getting my forum rules mixed up.

And thanks for the lovely comments guys.
I'm adoring Torchwood at the mo.
Also going through a Buffy Angel Firefly thing at the mo.
Heres a couple of moving Firefly/Serenity icons.


Re: Other Fandom Icons

I love that Serenity icons (well, more like banners since they're not 100x100 :D )! I love the movie.

Jayne in the second one: Let's be bad guys! :cool:
Re: Other Fandom Icons

A Knight's Tale, and M*A*S*H


Rest On My LiveJournal

Comments are love... Even if you don't like A Knights Tale or M*A*S*H, tell me what you think!! xo
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