Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

Some Wicked icons.

Please come here and Pick My Best, I'd REALLY appreciate it!!!


Pick My Best, Please!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Keira is teh sex. She is seriously so pretty.

01-03 Kate Winslet
04 Thandie Newton
05-06 Kate Beckinsale
07-10 Mandy Moore
11-12 Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Shiloh
13-14 Evangeline Lilly
15 Carmine Giovinazzo
16 Joaquin Phoenix
17-18 Jake Gyllenhaal
19-20 Rosario Dawson & Taye Higgs
21-24 HEADERS; Rosario Dawson (3), Evangeline Lilly (1)

Comment. CREDIT. No hotlinking.


all are this way!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

*squeals* POTC icons! YAY! I snagged a few Mcayla, and I snagged a few Mandy Moore from you tuesday. Don't worry, I will credit when I go to use!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

tuesdaymorning said:
Keira is teh sex. She is seriously so pretty.

01-03 Kate Winslet
04 Thandie Newton
05-06 Kate Beckinsale
07-10 Mandy Moore
11-12 Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Shiloh
13-14 Evangeline Lilly
15 Carmine Giovinazzo
16 Joaquin Phoenix
17-18 Jake Gyllenhaal
19-20 Rosario Dawson & Taye Higgs
21-24 HEADERS; Rosario Dawson (3), Evangeline Lilly (1)

Comment. CREDIT. No hotlinking.

http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f248/weisy2/jnew/02.png http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f248/weisy2/jnew/04.png http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f248/weisy2/jnew/09.png

all are this way!

I love the ones with Brad and Angelina and Shiloh. I just melted when I saw that picture of Brad and Shiloh in my People magazine. That is such a beautiful moment. I will snag them and credit you but I don't have a livejournal account to do it there so I'll do it here. I hope that is o.k. to say thanks here.

Gorgeous icons tuesday_morning. Great ones everyone else as well.

Macayla I love the ones of Keira Knightly. That's the name of my daughter only I spell her name Kiera. Beautiful icons as well.

Take Care,

Edit: Please do not quote pics, even those are tiny winy avatars ;) Thanks :) -DaW
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Ok, probably a stupid question but can we post other fandom wallpaper request here to or is it just for icons?
Re: Other Fandom Icons

I can make it for wallpapers too... I don't think there's harm done :p
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Awesome job Macayla. You do some really stunning work.

Oops sorry DaWacko- I'll remember not to repost pics when I quote messages.

Here's a couple icons that I've done. Be gentle please. I'm trying a new idea for icons.

3 - Dirty Dancing
1 - Memoirs of a Geisha



I did them in PSP 8. I have photoshop but I can't figure out how to use it. I got the caps at Cap That

If anyone likes Soap operas like GH, Guiding Light or Bold and Beautiful. I've got a bunch of avis, banners and wallpapers of them in my photobucket. The icons above are in the Specials section.


1. Don't hotlink please. I'm always changing my photobucket so it's not a guarantee that the picture will still be there.
2. Credit if you are friend, don't if you are a thief.

Take Care,
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