As you can see I'm a huge admirer of Princess Diana, so I did a few icons. Here's what I came up with, not too creative, but the first two are my favorite.
Thanks I found those pictures and just had to make something and looking at the second one, my first thought was, "He looks like he needs a straight jacket," but I figured I'd be nice when I made the wallpaper :lol:
I post a bunch of the icons I have made over the past months at my livejournal
Hope that helps, I'm sure if you search on livejournal you can find more
Anyhoo, I made my first fan video ... I don't know if that counts as art or not :lol: You can watch the "Devour" video Here It's a little twisted in some scenes, so don't watch if you have a weak stomach
Could the last one say 8 for 8? Or something about 8 medals.....I hope the pic is clear looked a little wonky after I added it to photobucket.