Hormiga, I know it was a long time ago but I love those Psych icons. I love that show and I was coming to see if someone made any icons for it so I was very pleased
Can I use one from your LJ, Ill credit
Wow, I haven't been here in so long!
How is everyone doing?
Well my lj's been inactive for a while but its back up now
So I'm about to show off some of my new stuff
Great Icons Everyone Love the I Love Lucy Ones letsdance
I've got 4 more Country Music Icons what else? :lol: However, I may be posting some of my newest crush, Christian Bale soon I liked him before but just saw Batman Begins for the first time and Whewwww.
Great icons y'all, Letsdance the I love Lucy icons are really cute , Hard2Handle Love the country icons specially the Blake Shelton one BTW Thank you very much for my "back seat lovin" icon i love it!
Keep up the good work