Operation Iraqi Children


CSI Level Two
It's that time of year: Back to School. Ever since I heard Gary speak of seeing four children in a school sharing half a pencil, I jumped on the bandwagon for shipping school supplies overseas.

This year, I'm listing Talk CSI Files under organization. Anyone else interested in joining me should check out the website http://www.operationiraqichildren.org/

It seems that Gary Sinise and Laura Hillenbrand recently visited the White House on two separate occasions on behalf of OIC.

I just figure that education is too valuable a thing for it not to be mentioned here.
It's fantastic that you're supporting Gary's charity, which is doing great things for Iraqi children. Regardless of what people may think of the war in Iraq, it's undeniable that children need school supplies. This is a perfect opportunity for all Gary fans, and fans of the show in general, to show their support for Gary and his cause by giving his charity a little love. You can support one of your favorite actors and benefit children in need at the same time. It's a win-win. :D
Khanada I was so happy to see this thread! I agree that it is a great non-partisan way to show your support for your favourite actor and for a good cause. It's also great to see someone like Sinise use his celebrity in a positive way. I made a contribution to them a few months back, but it is back-to-school time around the world and I'll be supporting them again!
That's exactly how I feel. Gary and Laura really are doing great work with this charity!
Khanada , thanks for the site! What a wonderful way to help the children of Iraq obtain some of the things that they need and to support such an important cause! :)