One Word-Vegas Style


Ward Girl
This originally started in the New York thread and then moved on to the Miami thread so I thought the Vegas thread needs on as well :)

So how would you describe the cast of Vegas using ONE word. I'm not going to add all the cops and ever lab rat so please don't get mad at me if I miss some of the characters :)

Catherine: caring
Nick: compassionate
Greg: responsible
Riley: transplanted
Ray: student
Doc Robbins: thorough
Super Dave: trying
Brass: Funny
Hodges: Kissa$$
Wendy: good
Mandy: friendly
Grissom: enigma
Cath: extraordinary
Nick: survivor
Greg: intelligent
Riley: tough
Ray: newbie
Doc: informative
Super Dave: married
Brass: sarcastic (in a good way)
Hodges: enamored (with Wendy hehe)
Wendy: confident
Mandy: cool
Grissom: genius
Sara: passionate (where cases are concerned)
Warrick: determined
Ecklie: promoted
McKeen: evil
Sofia: missing
Bobby: Southern
Henry: Adorable
Archie: awesome

(Edited: cause I forgot Archie... how I forgot him since he's one of my fave labrats, I have no clue lol)
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Cath: determined
Nick: empathic
Greg: intriguing
Riley: hard
Ray: introverted
Doc: balanced
Super Dave: enthusiastic
Brass: witty
Hodges: cocky
Wendy: ambitious
Mandy: cute
Grissom: careful
Sara: wounded
Warrick: troubled
Ecklie: misjudged ;)
McKeen: misguided
Sofia: cool
Bobby: expert
Henry: sweet
Cath: strong
Nick: emotional
Greg: friendly
Riley: tough
Ray: Doctor
Doc: genius
Super Dave: cute
Brass: bear
Hodges: kiss-a**
Wendy: tough
Mandy: sweet
Grissom: Bugman
Sara: broken
Warrick: nonchalant
Ecklie: economist
McKeen: insincere
Bobby: Gunman
Henry: Adorable
Cath: Strong
Nick: Emotional
Greg: Bright
Riley: Tough
Ray: Dominant
Doc: Efficent
Super Dave: Humorous
Brass: Witty
Hodges: Snarky
Wendy: Eager
Mandy: Fun
Grissom: Wise
Sara: Cautious
Warrick: Determined
Ecklie: Commited
McKeen: Scum
Sofia: Confident
Bobby: Missing
Henry: Sweet
Cath: Confident
Nick: Strong
Greg: Surprising
Riley: Sarcastic
Ray: Caring
Doc: Efficient
Super Dave: Eager (as in eager to learn and be good at what he does)
Brass: Perceptive
Hodges: Teacher's-Pet :p
Wendy: Pretty
Mandy: Sweet
Grissom: Interesting
Sara: Wounded
Warrick: Big-hearted
Ecklie: Dedicated
Sofia: Tough
Cath: Loyal
Nick: Empathetic
Greg: Intelligent
Riley: Enigma
Ray: Assertive
Doc: Meticulous
Super Dave: Nervous
Brass: Sarcastic
Hodges: Arrogant
Wendy: Confident
Mandy: Assured
Grissom: Eccentric
Sara: Determined
Warrick: Brave
Ecklie: Bureaucrat
McKeen: Self-serving
Sofia: Intrepid
Bobby: Relaxed
Henry: Nerdy
Archie: Cool
Cath: Strong
Nick: Compassionate
Greg: Brainy
Riley: Acerbic
Ray: Novice
Doc: Assertive
Super Dave: Hesitant
Brass: Snarky
Hodges: Obsequious
Wendy: Confident
Mandy: Assured
Grissom: Introvert
Sara: Cynical
Warrick: Tragic
Bobby: Affable
Henry: Nerdy
Archie: Scrumptious
Cath: Opinionated
Nick: Lace
or assman, he said so himself!
Greg: Integral
Riley: Whatever
Ray: Confusing
Doc: Deadpan
Super Dave: Cool
Brass: Snarky
Hodges: Manchild
Wendy: Womanchild
Mandy: Funny
Grissom: Poe-esque
Sara: Asperger's
Warrick: Trainwreck
Bobby: Underused
Henry: Shy
Archie: Hot
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Cath: Enduring
Nick: Caring
Greg: Compassionate
Riley: Sealed
Ray: Intelligent
Doc: Clever
Super Dave: Dandy
Brass: Witty
Hodges: Feeble
Wendy: Genuine
Mandy: Dependable
Grissom: Arrogant
Sara: Harsh
Warrick: Exploited
Bobby: Invisible
Henry: Dorky
Archie: Whiz
Catherine: assertive
Grissom: pensive
Warrick: underutilized!
Greg: dynamic
Nick: controlled
Riley: frank
Sara: cynical
Ray: overwhelming
Brass: hilarious
Wendy: ador(k)able
Hodges: aggravating
Henry: cheery
Archie: dependable
Mandy: amusing
SuperDave: sweetheart
Doc Robbins: sharp
Bobby D: kidnapped...? (or maybe killed by Hodges)
Grissom- Wise
Sara- Compassionate
Catherine- Cool
Greg- Innocent
Nick- Optimistic
Brass- Brave
Hodges- Sardonic
Warrick- Ardent
Ecklie- Pompous
Holly- Unfortunate :(
Catherine: Strong
Nick: Serious
Greg: Comical
Riley: Complicated
Ray: Intelligent
Doc Robbins: Musical
Super Dave: Amusing
Brass: Sardonic
Hodges: Oddity
Wendy: Friendly
Eckley: Dull
Sofia: Tough
Most of The Det.: Houdinin's
Other Lab Rats: Imaginative
Grissom: Gone
Sara: Gone
Warrick: Dead
Holly: Dead
Grissom: Wise
Catherine: Smart
Sara: Intense
Nick: Cool
Warrick: Deciesed
Greg: Funny
Brass: Attitude
Doc: Hilarious
Ecklie: Rude
Archie: Awesome
Hodges: Favorite
Wendy: Super