Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #8~Join Now
Voting is closed and results are up!
Challenge A
Restrictions - no restrictions
participents thatgirl 1 and CalleighD
achieved votes 1. 7 2. 15
Winner #2 - CalleighD
Challenge B
Restrictions - no restrictions
participents dstined4gr8ness and roximonoxide
achieved votes 1. 5 2. 17
Winner #2 - roximonomide
Challenge C
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants wolfesgamergirl and WolfeWhistle
achieved votes 1. 1 2. 21
winner #2 wolfesgamergirl
Challenge D
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants CSI Kat and ILuvJonathanTogo
achieved votes 1. 3 2. 19
winner #2 CSI Kat
Challenge E
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants roximonoxide and nattybatty55
achieved votes 1. 7 2. 15
winner #2 roximonoxide
Challenge F
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants CSI Kat and DragonflyDreamer
achieved votes 1. 12 2. 10
winner #1 DragonflyDreamer
Challenge G
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants nattybatty55 and DragonflyDreamer
achieved votes 1. 12 2. 10
winner #1 DragonflyDreamer
Challenge H
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants wolfesgamergirl and cinegirl
achieved votes 1. 11 2. 11
winner Tie
cinegirl -
wolfesgamergirl -
Challenge I
Restrictions - no text
participants Adorelo and thatgirl1
achieved votes 1. 5 2. 17
winner #2 thatgirl1
Challenge J
Restrictions - no restrictions
participants Nienna Berylla vs. CalleighD
achieved votes 1. 12 2. 10
winner #1 CalleighD
Please PM me if you see any issues! It is late and I am tired! :lol:
Congrats to all the winners!