ok magazine - jorja fox is it true?

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Police Officer
in ok magazine it says that Jorja Fox is leaving because she wanted more money.
It says they were going to film her dying but she didn't show up so they had to film a different ending.
i'm assuming i'm way behind here and it's meaning the season finale?
just wondering if she is definitely leaving?
I'm gonna try clear this up. Her contract was up at the end of this season and apparently she's asked for more money, her contract as far as I know is still in the works so we dunno if she'll be back or not yet. I hope she is.

And it was rumoured that Sara was suppost to die in the finale but JF didn't agree and refused to film Sara's death so they flew Marg in to film a different ending.

But of course, this is all rumours and speculation, I doubt we'll know for sure any time soon. To be honest, the pessimist in me thinks it's all a publicity stunt. *shrugs* I guess we'll just have to wait. If JF decides to leave, fair nuff, best of luck to her, i'd like her to stay but if she goes, she goes. :D
Hasn't this been mentioned all the time. Btw if this is the UK mag Ok... then I wouldn't believe it tbh. The producers said they were gonna start as they ended it, with her under the car, so yknow, no one knows what's going on at the minute. I've given up listening to what different people are saying, i'm just gonna wait and hope she's ok.
Don't blame ya, OK sucks! I doubt its true, I think we'd know before they did. I'm waiting for an official announcement anyways, thats the only thing i'll trust.
It was also in TV Guide and Star...TV Guide I trust a little but they've been wrong before and I don't really trust Star.
All those kidna magazines have prolly heard the same thing from the same source, which is probably a rumour seeing as no one on the production team seems to be saying a word about it. Like Ams says, i'm waiting til I hear an official announcment.
OMG these damn contract battles go on way to damn much and I'm sorry, I respect these guys as much as you guys do, but how much is it that these guys make? Like 1.5 million an episode? Christ almighty, I dont think I could spend money that fast. If they seriously want Jorja Fox off the show then fine let them kick her off but they are going to have more angry letters than cents that Jorja Fox makes in a year. :mad:
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