Officer Blue


Mac's Personal Assistant
Watched it last night and I liked a lot of the ending.

3.Smacked goodness in the locker room even if it's not the dirty kind hehe
4.RamboStella earlier on

It's one of those eps where you forget the B case 'cause the A case is so good.
One of my favourite eps from the first season, but I have to say it's one of the few instances where Stella actually got on my nerves. I don't know if it's my own compassion for the horse, or whether Mac's obvious compassion drew me in, but I really wanted Mac to tell her to (expletive deleted) off when Stella was all, 'Ner-ner, we need the bullet!'

One time only, though - Stella's my fave of the CSI ladies. :)
I love "Officer Blue" I watched it last week!!!! And I recorded it so I've watched the RamboStella part ten or more times it's so funny :lol: :lol: Mac's face was priceless :lol:

Does anyone know the right words she said in that scene? :confused: and what Mac said in the previous one? :confused:
You guys are talking about when she walks into his office with the gun right? and then kinda goes all nutty about how the gun matches but they need the bullet in order to make it "totally match"?
Can't blame Stella for going Rambo. Mac was being such a dick not telling her what was really going on. A brief explanation would have sufficed, instead he pulled rank. I guess he was counting on her to just trust him, end of conversation :lol:

And what was the deal with Mac and Jane? That was rather...odd.

There was a B case? *wonders what it was* Heh.
I thought it was the guy with the pizza parlor...yeah, burned in an alley, pizza place doubled as a betting venue for sports.

I agree...I was like "not more Mac/Jane-ishness" lol
And what was the deal with Mac and Jane? That was rather...odd.

I assumed they were setting us up for a future Mac/Jane pairing. I admit that when I saw this ep for the first time, I would have been quite happy if TPTB had gone there.
When I first watched the episode, I thought the Mac/Jane thing was rather out of the blue. Then I watched it again and thought it was cute and I thought "yay! Mac's gonna get some luvin'!", but then I watched the audio commentary on the DVD and the producers said that they ditched the idea. It was a very sad moment in my life.

I thought Blue, the horse, was so cute. But I want to know why they always make horses snuffle all the time on TV shows and stuff. I've had two horses previously, and they NEVER snorted that much.

Stella with a machine gun is scary...
Okay, two statements:

Still wonder how Aiden could do such a mistake.

Another thing is "Officer Blue" is the core of my anger against Mac. A police-officer dies and Aiden is not allowed to kick the murderer. That´s kinda unfair...
But Aiden thought it was great to work alone, I say this because of her reaction when Mac told her. And she did it very well, she's one of my favorites (yeah she's STILL one of my favorites, 'cause I've only watched 10 episodes from CSI: NY ;))

It was great to see that part with Jane, Mac was like "Oh, she treats me kind" and then when Stella complaint he was like "man, what the f... is going on with this woman?" like comparing both of them.
^That's a great observation. I never looked at it that way. Nice, flirty woman vs. on-the-warpath Amazon :D

What is it with Mac and women with British accents? :lol:

I read Dr. Peyote speaks in a British accent as well

*facepalm* Of course! I nearly forgot that it was also in OB where Aiden gets harrassed in that pizza joint (as well as being subjected to leery looks from that detective).
CalleighWolfe, you´re right. I just thought about this dead cop. Cops are all colleagues. But Aiden gets another case.
Mac trust others to revenge the dead officer. I wonder she didn´t care about this.
(shrugs) I'm sure Aiden cared about the dead officer, but she's smart enough to know that things have to keep moving. They couldn't put all their resources on to the one case and she just drew the short straw.
Yes, she might want to work the dead-officer case, too. It was her colleague, too. She´s in grief for him as much as the other team. That´s all I don´t like. :)