NY quote game # 2

I have no idea...But it seemed to me like a quote that Mac would say, that's the only reason for my guess in my previous post...
Thanks, finally I could guess one :D :p.

Well, this is a very easy one, but I love it, so here it is... :D

C1: You got it. Tiffany's! Now you're talking my language.
C2: You can tell from a map?
C1: Are you kidding, I can tell from the moon. I love those little blue boxes.

Easy, right? ;)
you certainly did huni!! strange huh!!!!! :)

Hmmm.. ok lemme see....

X "No no no,i mean get outta my face, i never wanna see you again - GO"
Lol well, it was one of the few I could actually name both the character and the episode. I'm usually able to do one or the other, but not both.


C1: Too bad. I thought we could wrap this one up quick.
C2: What?
C1: Mansion like this, it's always the butler. Didn't you ever play Clue?
C2: I was a Monopoly guy.