NY quote game # 2

hehe the keyword was 'bank'
mhhhh as this is my first one, I also picked an easy one. As I'm not native English speaking I hope I got the spelling right :eek:

C1: It's quite a shindig
C2: Sunday block parties, spring time in ___ ____ ____

same procedures as every...time: I need C1/C2, fill in the blanks and tell the epi
ok, another (I think) easy one:

C1: Did you know that _____ is a walking encyclopeadia of tidbit information?
C2: That’s good, now I can go to him instead of Google.

C1, C2, epi and blank. Pretty please.
C1: _______, _______, crime scene investigator.
C2: Wow. Cops around here just get prettier every day.
C1: Watch it.
C2: Oh, hey, don't be upset. I just got ouT of prison, you both look good to me.

Who C1 and C2 are, name of the eppy and fill in the missing blanks.
You got one of the characters right. You'll have to choose between Flack and Aiden. The name of the episode is correct.

You really dunno what are in the blanks? You want a clue or do you want me to give you the answers now?
1 is Flack, 2 is suspect and the blanks should be Detective Flack, Detective Burn
Very close, Imzadi83! You almost got it right! The blanks are Detective Flack and Aiden Burn.

And I thought I could stump you guys! :lol:

Since Imzadi83 almost got it right, it's her turn. :)