
Thnx everyone. I updated the site. New pic's in photoalbum, new crazypic's and more Did you know he....Hope to see you all again :) Enjoy
RoosCSILover said:
Heeee Babs!
I love your site!
''En jij bent erger dan ik, puh''.
Srry, that was dutch :p.
LOL@Roos. Thnx sweetie :) come and visit more still working on it as you know. Nick's my guy ;)
Thnx Rocky, You know me huh ;). More added again people and still working on more ideas. Hope you visit my site again and you can always leave a message if you like ;)
I have a Nick Guestbook on my site now, you can find it on the right,please feel free to sign it