Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

MegBreanne said:
If they do jump ahead in time (which I still think they are), it has to be done properly. Sure they'll miss a lot of great story opportunities, but we could be given a back story as to what happened . . . I'd be happier with that, rather than if they gave us nothing at all.

They missed a lot of story opportunity with Nick, and George would've done a phenomenal job. He could've had PTSD or something . . . who knows, maybe Sara will have it . . .

Looking at the brighter side of things, even though Nick's recovery wasn't really gone into with any sort of real story arc (his bites were healed in 6x01), we did get some great Snickers stuff out of it . . .

Which preview did you see? Because in the one I saw last night, Sara was definitely still in the sling (she was yelling at that new girl, Veronica, right? :lol:). But I totally agree, I'd love to see a PTSD storyline...besides the fact that it means they wouldn't be ignoring it, it just gives you so many opportunities for Snickery goodness :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Her arm is still in the sling, but I believe she is out of the cast. If their weeks are like how we view the episodes, it'd only be two weeks since her arm was broken (not to mention different seasons as the finale was in May, and it's now October). And I don't know anyone whose ever had their casts taken off two weeks later . . . just based on the fact that the cast appears to be gone, and she's still in the sling makes me think that a significant amount of time has past . . .

ETA -- I just updated Back To You, so you can check out the updates at the three 'regular' posting places! ;)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

you updated meg!!! ee!!

no snickers, none... i was pretty sad. there was an adorable Sandle's scene. i thought that was cute. sandle's needed a little boost. haha!! BUT BUT BUT!! i have something for next week!! ok... the promo/preview for next week. it looks really interesting BUT the scene that i'm freaking out over is... at the end scene. Grissom and Sara are working together on the bee hive thing, and the 'annoucer person' says 'and somethings are found out (or something like that) and grissom's like: "we could get married (or something like that) and sara's reaction... SHE WAS TERRORFIED!! haha, her eyes poopped and her face... DEAD!! see... sara even knows that they dont actualy belong together. NICKY NICKY NICKY!

we need some snickers!! this isn't good. i'm loving Ronnie Lake though.. haha, hilarious.

i'm REALLY looking forward to the "Hello Goodbye" episode. Nick and Sara are probably gonna automaticly work together, shutting catherine out because they worked on it together before. and... they love working together! haha :D
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Darn it! No snickers? *sighs* And I had such high hopes . . . oh well. I'm still gonna watch . . . Sandles are cute - but not as cute as Snickers (see, even these two ships have cuter names than GSR! LOL!).

As for the spoilers for next week - hahahaha! And it's my birthday next Thursday, so I think I might have some celebrating to do (I've been irritated that it's coming up because I'll be 22 and still no clue what I want with the rest of my life) . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

MegBreanne said:
Her arm is still in the sling, but I believe she is out of the cast. If their weeks are like how we view the episodes, it'd only be two weeks since her arm was broken (not to mention different seasons as the finale was in May, and it's now October). And I don't know anyone whose ever had their casts taken off two weeks later . . . just based on the fact that the cast appears to be gone, and she's still in the sling makes me think that a significant amount of time has past . . .

ETA -- I just updated Back To You, so you can check out the updates at the three 'regular' posting places! ;)

I think they have fast forwarded the show a lot. It is probably at least 6-8 weeks ahead. Once the cast came off there should not be a reason to keep the sling it was her arm that was broken not shoulder damage. The sling is to help with the cast or for should problems.

Ronnie was a little (ok a lot) annoying. However loved how Sara kept her inline, the old sara is coming back some.

Ok no Snickers moments:( I must agree the scene with Sara coming into the crime scene would have never happen in reality. That would have been a big not to do thing.

I was just looking and saw that Universal studios has CSI filming there my friends and I are going to the tour for universal. Last Feb we went on a private tour of Crossing Jordan to bad we do not know anyone to get us the same for CSI. Sighhh... However I was looking at my pics and saw we walked right by the soundstages when were there last year. LOL. Ohhh and my friends are Snickers fans also.

Well, hopefully next weeks episode has Sara saying NO!!
At least being on the west coast I can know the outcome before I watch and not watch it and live in my Snickers fantasy world:)

Meg Great update I know all about the muse issue my stories have been on hold for awhile now. I just do not know where I want to go with them. Sighhhhh

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

csiemily said:
you updated meg!!! ee!!

no snickers, none... i was pretty sad. there was an adorable Sandle's scene. i thought that was cute. sandle's needed a little boost. haha!! BUT BUT BUT!! i have something for next week!! ok... the promo/preview for next week. it looks really interesting BUT the scene that i'm freaking out over is... at the end scene. Grissom and Sara are working together on the bee hive thing, and the 'annoucer person' says 'and somethings are found out (or something like that) and grissom's like: "we could get married (or something like that) and sara's reaction... SHE WAS TERRORFIED!! haha, her eyes poopped and her face... DEAD!! see... sara even knows that they dont actualy belong together. NICKY NICKY NICKY!

we need some snickers!! this isn't good. i'm loving Ronnie Lake though.. haha, hilarious.

i'm REALLY looking forward to the "Hello Goodbye" episode. Nick and Sara are probably gonna automaticly work together, shutting catherine out because they worked on it together before. and... they love working together! haha :D

what!!! gris will what say it isnt so......
and yes i would like to sara to say no to that.

and wow i hope its true that nick and sara will work together soon.

i do envy all of you at least all of you can watch csi season 8 and i will wait for it next year to hit asia.

meg i'm still loving your story keep it coming. and i hope you would not make sara look like uneducated person and humilate nick. in case i forgot to greet you, advance happy birthday to you.

i saw a clip of a la cart, i thought sara move to swing, did she? and i was hoping that nick and sara will be more closer than ever because they share the same experience although in different circumstances.

anyway i hope there will be snicker scene soon.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I think she says no. During the CBS promo after the show ended, the last scene, she turned and walked away . . . I think it might be foreshadowing in a way . . .

It was definitely a no-no for Sara to have gone to the crime scene, but it was nice that she and Greg had a moment. Definitely seems like he, and most likely everyone else, wishes that she were still on their team.

Based on how Brass and Sara interacted when Sara and Ronnie were at the scene, I'd say it's safe to assume that everyone is still on friendly terms (maybe there is a little underlying tension somewhere?). And Brass asked Sara how she was liking the sunlight, and she said she wasn't. Yes, it was boiling hot outside, but I'd say that she is missing the team a lot and is maybe starting to wonder if her relationship with Grissom is truly worth it (hence her walking away in the last scene of next weeks promo?).

One thing I noticed was that when Sara went to see Grissom in the house, she didn't seem all that pleased that he was taking something to study, and then he said that he'd cleared it with Animal Control (he and Sara live together, presumably,so why was she not consulted?) and that they are healthy so it's not a problem (perhaps a little nod to her ordeal and perhaps not feeling like herself yet . . . ?). When Grissom pointed out that the worlds bees are dying at an alarming rate, Sara mentioned the article that said if all bees died, four years later, people would no longer exist - Grissom just had to contradict her and say that there was no evidence to support that, then followed up with "but the world will come to an end. Someday." Evidence of that? Are you God now? Do you see the future? Seriously, can't she make one observation without him denying it, then basically saying the same thing and taking credit?

As for the Canadian promo for next week - if I'm not mistaken, it says that the case becomes personal. Nick mentions how the tranny was hung on a tree, left to die . . . perhaps that sort of a little tie in with Sara being left under a car to die? And how the young mans murder is a hate crime (perhaps, once again, a nod to Natalie's hate crime against Sara because of Grissom?) . . .

Nick and Sara had very small roles in this weeks episode, so I'm going to believe that while we didn't see much of them, they were off hanging out, commiserating over their terrible luck and just having a few laughs, blowing off steam.

As far as Ronnie goes - yes, I found her a little annoying. But, I'm wondering if that's because I'm just over all displeased with another character on the show. I can understand that in order for Sara to move to Swing Shift, she'd need to have someone to work with since the rest of the team appears to be intact on Grave . . . but if Ronnie does end up working with the others, that means Sara will as well, right? All I know at this point is that Ronnie isn't necessarily sticking around, but that I will give her a chance because she's my age and she's from Vancouver (and I was born and raised just out side of Vancouver) . . .

ETA - Cocoa, just saw your post after I posted . . . thanks for the early birthday wishes. :) And (in regards to Back To You) believe me when I say that things aren't going to be easy for Nick and Sara, but that I think you, and the other readers, will enjoy what I have planned. I can't really say much without giving away how I plan on dealing with this, but I think you'll be pleased . . . (at least, I hope!).
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I hope Sara says no. However thank goodness we still have fanfic and can make anything want happen there.

How do you all think Nick will react?

I think he will shake his head and be very bummed, however I think he will internalize it. I do not think the writers would allow Nick to go to Sara and say what the ____? However in my world Nick would confront Sara on the way Grisom treats her and tell her she deserves better.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I very much so doubt that we'll see any sort of reaction from anyone other than Grissom and Sara. We didn't see anyone else's reaction with Sara moving to Swing.

But I definitely think she'll say no. I think with his leaving the way that he did in Season 7, it sort of threw her for a loop and she didn't appear happy when he said goodbye, nor did he seem remorseful. The last episode with Lady Heather, and there seemed to be some conflict . . .

I rewatched the GSR scene before going to bed last night just because something was bugging me. So, I did. When Sara saw the colony of Bees, Grissom mentioned having the Queen and the workers in the box and how they were healthy (there is more context to the scene, but I can't remember, all I know is my point). To me, (possibly just because I'm anti-GSR, and look for any reason to find fault with their scenes, admittedly) I took that to mean that Grissom wants to keep his life in a box, sheltered away from the rest of the world, where he can be happy . . . after being under a car, I think Sara has re-evaulated life to a certain degree, and no longer wants to live in a box (hiding her relationship with Grissom meant she had to hide her personal life from her friends, essentially keeping her in a box).

When Grissom tells Sara he's going to try and figure out why bees have been dying at such an alarming rate, and Sara points out that if all bees died, the human race would follow four years later -- she didn't particularly sound convinced of that heself, but was stating that she'd read it in an article. Grissom's face sort of contorted like that was stupid and said that there was no evidence to back up that theory . . . (obviously, since it hasn't happened, duh!). He then followed up by saying that eventually, the world will end . . . Sara looked a little sickened. Perhaps her near death experience has her thinking about her own mortality and on the rare occasions when she can not think about it, or think about it in a theoretical type of way, Grissom says something that reverts back to her own death (not necessarily that he means to make her think about something like that, but . . . ).

ETA -- a thought on the proposal. I don't necessarily think that Grissom thought it threw. I think it just sort of popped out. To say it while in bee suits? Perhaps it was just sort of a thought, and then he might think twice and take it back . . . or think twice and hope that she says no, when when (if) she says that, he might wonder why . . . a GSR fan said that she believes Grissom to be a true romantic, but if that's the case, why propose in the fashion in which was shown in the preview? Not exactly romantic . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Ok, I want to keep positive about this entire proprosal.

I know when my hubby asked me to marry him it was cuase his little sister (age 11) asked when are you gonna Marry her, and he said so want to get married? I have had people think that was romantic, personally the second time he asked me was better watching the sun set in Hawaii over the ocean at a very romantic Hawaiin restuarant.

I am really hopping this was what they meant by tying up the loose ends on GSR.

I would really not mind seeing a Snicker vs GSR and having Sara struggle with what she wanted more romance and a person who is more open or Grissom.

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

proposal? isnt that a little too much?

I too hope she says NO

about Nicks reaction if he finds out about the question - I dont think he would react strongly, just like sara4Nick said, but I think it could be interesting if Sara actually asked his opinion. that would made for a lovely scene and there is a lot of possibilities how to handle it
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

reading all your message lead me to think of a fanfic in title the accidental groom where nick was a substitute groom for sara and grissom, and grissom cant come to the rehearsal and even missed his own wedding. okay its beside the point, i'm really hoping that sara would say no, and its feels like grissom says it like its a take out food which is so wrong. sara deserves better, i like sara a lot. and i like that thought that nick will confront sara yet not in a way to embrass her but to clarify things and what change between them, i see nick and sara as equal partner in friendship and beyond and i can see that nick feels so betrayed right now. i just hope that even though things doesn't goes as plan i hope nick and sara will always share a great and strong friendship. and yes thank goodness for fanfiction story we can read and write what we like to happen for the characters and have them a great ending.

okay sorry for the long whining and soap box.

we just need more of them soon. and see them interact and even work some good cases together, specially the one with the hanna west case and more.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Has anyone stopped to consider that Grissom wasn't actually proposing?

Maybe I'm naive, but I really don't think he meant it. I don't even think he was thinking out loud, I think it was totally out of context. I'm not exactly sure how that would work, but just go with it for a second.

Now, we can all agree that Sara was shocked, and she probably wouldn't want to say yes. But let's say that she was thinking about it, and Grissom, once he realizes she thought he was serious, backpedals. That to me would be the beginning of the end of them. Sara would have two reasons to be frustrated: he doesn't want to marry her, and yet he's blurting out that he does. I think the whole scene is going to be a wake up call to her. My theory is when he said, "maybe we should get married" somehow the bees are involved in that, and she's going to realize that she'll never be first to him, some science experiement will always hold more of his attention.

Did that make any sense?
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

That makes perfect sense, Liberty.

If this were to happen, and he believes that Sara took him seriously and he back pedals, she'd end up questioning their entire relationship, and if what happened to her (and Nick, which is probably part of what got them together) didn't make him realize that life is short, and that you have to grab on to what has meaning . . . as far as I can tell, he is perfectly fine with having their relationship stay hidden (he didn't say anything to anyone about what was happening with Sara in A La Carte - and they are her friends. If he'd said something to one of them, the rest would've found out pretty quickly as well . . . ). And I keep going back to what Sara said in Redrum about not liking to deceive people, because it always comes back . . .

The very last scene of the American promo has Sara, with a slight smile on her face, turning and walking away. I think that's a little clue that she will be the one to walk away from the relationship. And though sad that it took her long as it did to figure out that it wasn't going anywhere, she knows she'll be a stronger person in the end because of it . . .

Or, maybe he really does propose in his Grissom-esque way, and she ponders the questions seriously . . . her life has been in so much turmoil because of keeping a secret as large as their affair, then the MK, then moving to Swing and essentially away from all her friends . . . she's probably taking stock on what's important, or where she see's her life going and how she wants to get there - and Grissom just isn't the person to help her get there, like she thought he would be (of course, she's in denial and completely ignoring her feelings for Nick, which she knows deep down, are strong and real) . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

When I first heard about the proposal my first thought was not "damn now that's the end of Snickers" it was "damn Grissom just broke his own heart." I didn't intertain the idea for so much as a split second that Sara would say yes.

I think that if the proposal was genuine, which I'm not sure if I think or not, then I think Sara is going to say no. I just can not see them getting married and I won't believe it till I see it. She is going to say no.

I just have a feeling.