Nick Fics


Lab Technician
I haven't the slightest idea if I'm doing this right, but I figure if I'm not, one of our lovely mods will kindly redirect me. At least I hope its kindly.... ;)

Anyway, I was gonna hit all the Nick threads with this, but then I decided why not just start one purely for his fics? After all not all Nick fans read fanfiction, so this way those who do can come and share and discuss with the rest of the class. Enough of my ramblings though, here's a Nick-centric one I think has major potential: Victims
Oh boy oh boy!! :)

Don't get me started!! All of the stories I talk about are on You can use the search option to search for either story title or author (penname)

“Breath for me” by duffshel is amazing. Have you guys checked out his/her latest story "And the Thunder Rolls" Wow. Duffshel does Warrick/Nick interaction (strictly friendship, no slash). Read “Poisonous Fear” if you like a good heavy story. Jeez… that one had me with insomnia waiting for posts. Good Warrick/Nick/Grissom nonslash interaction.

Also, Kristen999 and everybetty did "The Art of War", that was a great one, lots of Warrick/Nick. Check out Kristen999 "Paradox" I haven't cracked into that one yet, I'm waiting until she has a whole bunch of chapters posted before I dig in, but I assume it's good just because it's by Kristen999. Her work is very good, totally go for all her stories. Her one-shot (well, actually a two chaptered one-shot) "Stuck In a Moment" is really cool, a great Grissom and Nick interaction story (no slash).

Everybetty has her own solo work "Tabula Rasa" that I absolutely adored, only took me three days to read all together. “One Coin, Two Sides” is a really good Warrick/Nick friendship interaction fanfiction. Good angst. “Off Road” is a good Nick/Grissom interaction. .

I haven't had time to dig into all of Andorian Ice Princess-AIP stories, but wow. "The Children of Eden" was an amazing story for angst, very very very very very mature content thought, but do not let that stop, I repeat do not let that stop you from reading the story, it is amazing. A Snickers story, but I'm not really a Snickers fan and I adored the story.

I have hundreds of stories I like…. one by Wintertime called "Circuit" is one of the BEST one-shots I've read. It's an AU to the first season episode "Who Are You?" So, hardcore fans can guess what happened, or can they? Just read the story. It's amazing. Wintertime in general does a great job.

Check sherryw if you want some good action stories. "Appendix for Murder" is steller. Her previous two (Leverage and her sequel) were also very well written. Kudos to her.

hmmm... what else. Janissa111 has great stories. "Sanguine" "Melancholic" and "Choleric" are amazing. She says there are hints of Grissom/Nick slash in them. If you like that great, but I personally don't know how much I like it and yet I would not have preceived the stories as slash at all. It just depends on your interpetation. These three are connected stories in a series and deal with mental illness and Nick. Adult content, but amazing angst, especially "Choleric". "Boucenna's Walk" and "Enmity" are also really good nonslash stories. "Boucenna's Walk is about Nick being lost in the desert and trying to make his way back (really good, especially his hallocinations) and "Enmity" is one about him being sick with a really good surprise ending.

A relatively new CSI author that is just wonderful is somebody101. In just two months this author whipped out “An Unfair Act of Vengeance”. Wow, what an action packed angst-filled story. Amazing, 100,000+ words in two months. Whew… hell, check out all his/her stories. “Crimson Puddles” is a great story. I love anything with Nick being the hero and then getting hurt for it. Jeez… somebody101 kills me, literally. One of these days…
Dude, this is a long post, but oh well. I can’t write worth a darn, but I am an avid reader and I know Nick-stories inside out on website.

If you are really into die hard Warrick/Nick nonslash interaction, tons of brotherly love, checkout the extremely recent string of one-shots by crazyundeadfairy. Great, very loving interaction between Warrick and Nick, immediate post-Grave danger stories.

chrissie0707 has several really good stories. My favorite is “The Consequences of Falling” wow, great story about Nick trying to heal after Grave Danger. All of her stories are great, read them. Seriously. Would I lie to you?

PonchoLives is cool. “The Sins of the Father” and “Hide and Seek” are really just super Nick and Grissom nonslash interaction. They make me sad and very happy at the same time. I haven’t read all of “The Class of 1987” but what I have read is really cool. Good Warrick and Nick just-getting-out-there-getting-in-trouble-but-then-figuring-out-the-case-anyway kind of story. You know what I mean. All PonchoLive’s stories all worth a read.

One story I loved was “Requital” by iboneki. Remember Paul Millander? What does he have to do with Nick Stokes, read and find out. Great Grissom-being-a-sort-of-father-role-to-Nick story. Loved. Plus “Napoleon’s Battle Plan” was the funniest story I have ever read. Not angst, but who cares. Not exactly Nick-centric, but you gotta read it, seriously.

“Binding Ties” by thatTaylorgirl is another pretty good story about Nick and Warrick getting in serious trouble and then getting out of it but Nick getting hurt in the process. I liked it.

Sorry if this post is really long, but I love Nick fanfiction...
Pimping myself in this category since I am primarily a Nick writer. My fic can be found HERE on Geek Fiction. (There's also a ton of great Fic on this site)
Thanks Ash. Your shout out is much appriciated.

Apocalyptic by Dark Arwen is one of the best AU fics out there. Boucenna's Walk by Janissa11 is another. And Jasmine by our fellow poster Miss-Andromache is another favorite of mine.
Hi. My story that i am writing at the minute focuses on Nick/Grissom as the main CSI's you will find out why when you read the story. Nick and Grissom must combine their CSI skills to help out some very important people. The story can be found on fan fiction on this site it's called My First Story CSI: Own Risk.
I 'm trying to locate a writer who contacted me several months ago. They wrote their 1st Nick fanfic and asked me to read it. I didn't save message and can't find story to respond. Can you help?
I'm looking for Nick and Catherine stories.. I found some but not many. It's a shame there's not more Catherine/Nick stories...
Wow, this question was from way back in April? Yeah, I don't usually do this (okay, I've never done this before), but here's a link to a story that I wrote about Nicky. It's a OneShot, rated K, and it involves Nick and his kid neighbor :).

The Criminal: ('cause the link code isn't working!).
Alwayswrite this is fine. Just so noone forgets just make sure not to link to anything above PG-13. I checked the links and see no problems.

Have fun enjoying Nick fan fics. :D