Next weeks episode.


Hit and Run
Woah did anyone but me see that Lindsay is gonna get abducted possibly from the taxi killer? God I hope nothing happens to her.....I adore Lindsay but now I sense that Danny is gonna rescue her or this is going to open his eyes up to the fact he loves her and will rescue her and declare his love for her.
What does the preview show? It will be truly disappointing if the writers go for the cliche of Lindsay being in danger and that making Danny suddenly decide he has feelings for her. :rolleyes:
What does the preview show? It will be truly disappointing if the writers go for the cliche of Lindsay being in danger and that making Danny suddenly decide he has feelings for her. :rolleyes:

Basically it shows the taxi killer and it also shows Lindsay standing on a curb hailing a cab. The voice over says something about how the next victim could be "one of their own." :rolleyes: Hopefully the promo is trying to throw everyone off because I don't think I could stomach the outcome you mention.
Well, I know that in "Taxi" Reed is abducted by the Taxi Cab Killer, but I never remember reading about Lindsay getting abducted. Isn't next week the week where Danny and Lindsay have there "supposed" date :vulcan: I don't really think they would keep making the CSIs the Taxi's target. We have Mac going in the hostage situation with Joe/Taxi guy in "Hostage" and Reed also, and Lindsay would be too much
I think Lindsay being abducted by the cab killer is quite possibly the most horrific storyline I could think of. Totally dripping in cliché. And even worse if they have Danny suddenly decide he loves her. :rolleyes:

If they must make one of our peeps a victim, it'd be more interesting if it was one of the guys - it's about time they did something with Sheldon...or Don...

(Actaully, my dream idea here would be Danny. During his ordeal he realises life is way too short and finally calls time on this travesty of a romance. A girl can live in hope... :lol: )


Well, I know that in "Taxi" Reed is abducted by the Taxi Cab Killer, but I never remember reading about Lindsay getting abducted. Isn't next week the week where Danny and Lindsay have there "supposed" date :vulcan: I don't really think they would keep making the CSIs the Taxi's target. We have Mac going in the hostage situation with Joe/Taxi guy in "Hostage" and Reed also, and Lindsay would be too much

I feel reassured, because yeah, with that it's definitely OTT...
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My guess is that the promo is deceiving--as they tend to be. Although I have to say, if Lindsay is hailing a cab knowing there's a serial killer out there, it's going to make her look like a moron. :rolleyes:
Although I have to say, if Lindsay is hailing a cab knowing there's a serial killer out there, it's going to make her look like a moron. :rolleyes:

You mean, even more of a moron surely..? ;)

Sorry, that was just too tasty a morsel to pass up on... :lol:

At which juncture, I should probably go to bed because the side of my brain that makes me refrain from bitchy comment has already started snoozing... :D
It's probably deceiving, but seriously, Lindsay is the only character stupid enough to go hailing a cab knowing there's a serial killer cabbie out there. :rolleyes:

If I had any hope she'd be offed by the killer, I'd be cheering for her to get in that cab, especially after Anna's wooden performance tonight.
I for one do NOT want to see what they seem to be showing on the preview. CSI NY seems to have a habit of using the cliches lately which kind of pisses me off.
If I had any hope she'd be offed by the killer, I'd be cheering for her to get in that cab, especially after Anna's wooden performance tonight.

*raises hand*

That has been my first thought but there's no chance we'll be that lucky. :brickwall:
Im just glad to see Linds being used more and more ever since this horrific Rikki storyline......though i dont believe she will be kidnapped its nice to see her so strongly featured in the i cant wait till next wednesday to see some really interesting Linds storyline involvement and to say good riddance to a character that is hopefully returning for the last time.....

Bring wednesday now!!!!!!:thumbsup:
I doubt that will happen (I mean Lindsay kidnapped). Usually in the episode it happens as exact opposite of what happened in the promo. I will annoy you by saying it, but, All in the Family, remember?

If I had any hope she'd be offed by the killer, I'd be cheering for her to get in that cab, especially after Anna's wooden performance tonight.

*raises hand*

That has been my first thought but there's no chance we'll be that lucky. :brickwall:

Nope, I don't think either, although in my own little happy place that could happen.