'New York' And 'Miami' Switch To Digital

CSI Files

<I>CSI: New York</I> and <I>CSI: Miami</I> will create new episodes using digital cameras, but <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> continues to use 35mm film.<p>Traditionally, television series were created using 35mm film. However, many new and returning shows are opting to switch to digital camera systems. The shift to all-digital production is one way for networks to cut costs. Of the three <I>CSI</I> series, only <I>Miami</I> and <I>New York</I> have opted to make the change. <I>CSI</I> considered switching but ultimately decided to stick with 35mm film. "This is really the season that will flesh it all out," <I>New York</I> cinematographer <font color=yellow>Marshall Adams</font> told <A class="link" HREF="http://digitalcontentproducer.com/">Millimeter</a>. "It all depends on how things go this year with shows like ours, about whether or not producers of up-and-coming shows will lean toward digital acquisition going forward or fight to stay with film."<p>The decision for <I>CSI: NY</I> to switch to digital was up in the air until July 1 of this year, Adams revealed. <I>Miami</I> did some tests for an episode last season, but Adams thought there was a chance <I>New York</I> would stick with 35mm. "For whatever reason, the trigger was given to switch, and we had done lots of research by then," Adams explained. "It became clear to me that the [Arriflex D-21] and the F35 were the most filmlike cameras available." Using the F35 allowed the show to continue filming with 35mm lenses.<p>"But what really helped a lot was incorporating new wireless [IDX CW-5HD] transmitters, which allow us to [view imagery] wirelessly all the time on set," the director of photography continued. "We can record on board the camera and have the [digital imaging technician (DIT)] monitor the wireless signal and send it to us so that we can all watch it on beautiful HD monitors without a bunch of wires. Shooting in S-LOG format, we can really tell color and exposure range, and maybe push the limit a little more than on REC709, a linear digital recording format."<p>"There was also an issue getting our camera operators used to the camera's viewfinder and not being able to rely on them to see the image detail as well as they used to in the eyepiece," Adams added. "They had to relinquish a little bit of responsibility for focus and small things in the frame. We had to deal with that ourselves on the HD monitor, but we're getting used to that."<p>The original article is from <A class="link" HREF="http://digitalcontentproducer.com/cameras/revfeat/format_wars_0909/index.html">Millimeter</a>.<center></center>
Very little of that makes any sense to me, but I get the gist: Miami and NY are all digital from now on while CSI is sticking with 35mm film. :p
Dunno. There's apparently a debate about whether digital can compete with film in terms of the quality of the final product, so that's probably it.
Yeah, I doubt most of us would even pay attention if we didn't read something like this beforehand. Even knowing that they switched to digital, I doubt I'll be able to tell a difference.
I don't claim to understand this really. But sometimes cost cutting measures have backfired. So many shows moved to videotape from film, then when it comes to hi-def season their source material is crap.

They must make decisions that will allow them to use their material in 10 years' time.

But 35mm vs digitial, I don't claim to appreciate the differences.