New Year Rsolutions


The title says it all, feel free to share 'em.

I have two:
1. Get a girlfriend
2. Get a job

Take a guess as to the more important one.
WillowsWannaBe said:
1. Lose some weight
2. Study harder
3. Spend less time in front of the computer

OMG! That are exactly my New Year Resolutions!! :eek:
I have the same ones every year :lol:
1. Actually study for once and aim for Principal's List.
2. Try to exercise more and eat healthier.
3. Convince my father to give my mom more child support because $185 does not cover two teenage girls.
4. Actually talk to somebody about my problems instead of pushing them away.
5. Not kill my Earth Science teacher because she is a favoring b****.
6. Act more like 15 than 25.
7. Be involved and be creative.
8. Give back.
Hmmm i'm gonna have the same resolutions as our Bridget Jones which means:

1)Losing weight
2)Stop smoking
3)Stop drinking
4)Find a men (Colin or Jake if that's possible)
5)Start a diary
6)Try to follow my resolutions

Not sure i will be able to find a guy like Colin (i totally lost faith on that) but someone who looks like him would be appreciate :devil:
Resolutions, written to myself.

1. Roos, please lose some weight. You're fat :p
2. Also study harder. Your grades suck, Roosy.
3. Spend less time in front of the PC, you're addicted to the thing.
4. Find someone who will love you. That won't happen anyways, what's new.
5. Try to spend less money, Roos, or else I'll kick your butt.
4. Find someone who will love you. That won't happen anyways, what's new.

**hugs** He me loving you, probably not the way you're looking for but still love :D And don't worry you will find someone. Besides you're too young to be desesperate lol
Awh, thanksy, sissi. Well, I meant loving not especially in the way of boygriend and girlfriend or something, but that'd be nice.
*raises hand* I love you too. :D

I actually have just one resolution: Pay more attention to school than to CSI. that's ever gonna happen. You're talking about me here. :lol:
Sounds like your very well loved Roosy! We all love you!
Dutchie, you just have to find a balance...a happy medium!
1. start saving my money for my trip
2. study so that my grades don't plumet, seriouly missy, you're gonna fail if you don't shape up.
3. Talk to Brenden...god that's gonna be hard.
4. Get my act together and stop procrastenating
5. Stop spending your entire paycheck on junk food

Now I just have to get the motivation to do all that. :D
Here are mines:
--Be able to miss an episode of CSI if it has to be, without being all the time thinking about it
--Spend more time with my little cousins
--there are certainly (sp?) some more, but I can't remember them now!!