New shows 2006/2007


I already made a thread about Studio 60, but I saw that there was no thread to discuss which shows you want to follow, and which not.
I have reviews about several shows, and more reviews will come very soon. You can read my reviews @ RBC

I'm looking forward to Studio 60, Traveler, Jericho and The Nine.
And I don't really know what the fuss about Heroes is, coz it's not that special.
Only new show I'm really gonna follow is Heroes. I'm a bit of a geek (surprise!) so I'm into the whole superheroes/comic books on screen movement.
:D I'm going to try watching Heroes, to see if I like it. I'm also thinking about watching Jericho, just because it sounds and looks intresting.
I want to watch "Kidnapped" mainly because it stars Timothy Hutton, but it comes on at the same time as "CSI:NY". Most weeks I'm home by that time on Wednesday night, so I can watch one in "real time" and record the other to watch later. But on the nights I'm not home, I'll have to choose between them, as we only have one VCR.
Choose CSI:NY. There are going to be a lot of new shows on about missing people. There is one new one called like "Vanished" or something and I doubt it is on at the same time as CSI:NY.
Heroes--the promos look interesting
Jericho--so far I have no clue what it is about?
The Nine-- because of Tim Daly

The only problem is that 3/4 of these shows don't make it past the first couple episodes before they get the boot.
You're so right. I've seen all three shows you mentioned. I really dind't like Heroes, but I loved The Nine (Susan Sullivan!). Jericho was very cool too.

I'm almost sure that Heroes (I can see how people would like it although I don't), The Nine, Traveler and Studio 60 will survive at least one full season.
I've seen that one too. I liked that one also. James Woods plays a bit of a Gibbs like character.
I'm looking forward to "Dexter" on Showtime...He's a CSI...But he's also a serial killer...And he kills the criminals that slip through the cracks...I just read the book its based on "Darkly Dreaming Dexter"...Interesting!
GreatTyrant said:
I'm looking forward to "Dexter" on Showtime...He's a CSI...But he's also a serial killer...And he kills the criminals that slip through the cracks...I just read the book its based on "Darkly Dreaming Dexter"...Interesting!

That sounds really interesting, actually. When does that start?
I'm curious about "Drift", if it makes it to the screen.
Were can I watch promo's? I haven't seen anything. But Vanished sounds good, it has some nice acots on the show, I might give it a shot.