New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Carmine Definately deserved to be nominated for RSRD and RS. Those were great episode and the man did his thing - brilliantly i might add.
Perhaps CBS has an eye on Carmine yet.

Well, CBS does tend to stick with their talent. If you watch CBS shows, you'll find that when one of its shows doesn't work out an actor/actress can usually be found on another of its shows within a season or two.

Also, the network seems to take a particular liking to an actor/actress. That person sort of becomes the network's, dare I say, "flavor of the month." (I hate that phrase but guess it's applicable.)

I'm on board with saying Carmine definitely deserved Emmy noms for RSRD and Raising Shane. I don't know where the network brass was hiding when it all went down. For all their blustering about loving the CSI series, they definitely don't show the love to the series or the actors when awards' season rolls around. :(

I'm glad my post on "fair-weather" fans got everyone riled up. I knew you all weren't. I just needed to hear it from you. ;) :D
Thanks for posting hun :D

what i dont understand is, how can CSI and CSI Miami get more than one person nominated for supporting actor... when all CSI NY gets is one?! :( CSI Gets 5.. and Miami gets 3!

i hope it is true tho that carmine has been nominated for it, even tho it doesnt say what episode :)
Thanks for posting! Looks like Carmine is indeed on the list. :D That's fantastic. He wasn't included as of the first entry deadline, but has made the list.

To answer the question about how the other CSI shows have more submissions than NY does, that's a CBS decision. This list is not a list of nominees. It's a list of submissions turned in by the networks. A committee within the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences determines the nominations after watching the episodes submitted. We'll have to keep our eyes open for which episode Carmine gets submitted for.

CBS has done the first step of its job. Now it's up to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences to select the nominees. If Carmine does receive a nomination, we really need to write to CBS again and ask them to put some serious advertising dollars into supporting Carmine and any other NY nominees (Gary and/or Melina). Once the nominees are determined, the networks launch huge advertising campaigns using print ads in the trades, billboards, DVD mailings, mailings of promotional items, etc. CBS is notoriously cheap in this area.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
To answer the question about how the other CSI shows have more submissions than NY does, that's a CBS decision. This list is not a list of nominees. It's a list of submissions turned in by the networks. A committee within the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences determines the nominations after watching the episodes submitted. We'll have to keep our eyes open for which episode Carmine gets submitted for.

... it's a CBS decision...

CBS always prefers CSI or CSI Miami. We already had this discussion - earlier in this thread, I think. They don't support CSI NY like they do with the other two shows.

But I'm happy that Carmine is on the list. Perhaps this has a happy end :)
I'm happy Carmine is at least in the list. It would be cool if he got nominated. I am also very happy to see Gary and Melina there, of course.
Cool that he's on the list! That's one hell of a long list of contenders, though. Wow! But I'm glad CBS submitted him.

The eps submitted, btw, were "Hung Out to Dry" and "Consequences." (Eddie should have been submitted, too, IMO.) I can't even remember what Danny was working on in "Consequences," but "Hung Out to Dry" was a good ep for him.
YES! So happy that our efforts were well worth it after all! :D (Please to be noting though, that I am still disappointed that RSRD was never submitted. Boooooo.)

Perhaps Eddie should be next on our list of Emmy pimping? Only problem is, it might be somewhat difficult to choose scenes for teh pimping, since Flack gets so little development or air time. :(
Emmy nominees come out Thursday morning! I saw a list that only has 2 out of 10 confirmed for his category. Cross your fingers, there still might be hope afterall!
^ Maybe it'll be good luck for Carmine that nominations are announced the same day boat loads of his fangirls descend upon his city.

The nominations are being announced now, but I'm not sure how long it takes before that stuff hits the internet. I'm up bright and early to get Thumpy from the airport and will try to remember to check again right before I leave.

Nope, sorry guys, we may be cute, but we're apparently not good luck tokens. :( No nomination for Carmine. But a big thank you to all who wrote letters.

The complete list of nominees can be found here. ... Be forewarned, it's a very long list and you need to scroll most down toward the bottom to find the Best supporting Actor in a Drama category.

Sorry Carmine. :( But hey, who needs some statute sitting around collecting dust. We love your work and that counts for something.
^^Loved the last comment :)

Yeah, it's kind of sad that all this effort and nothing, but I still feel so good about having done it. It really meant something.

Well, at least (yet unfortunately at the same time) it's not only Carmine who does not have a place there :rolleyes: :(
CSI:NY only has one nomination for Outstanding Stunt Coordination for Sleight Out of Hand
Sometimes I feel that these nominations are not so right. I mean, what really pisses me is that once one series gets one nomination in one of the big categories, it gets nominated in some other ones. I always get the impression that once one series is nominated for a category, it is nominated for another one and another one, which gives every other series less hypothesis :( I dunno