S skyqueen Dead on Arrival Jul 21, 2007 #903 Okay, let's try this one. X: "He's also missing in action".
S skyqueen Dead on Arrival Jul 22, 2007 #907 Sorry, guys, I've been gone for awhile. Happily happy, you are correct. It was Eric in Grand Prix. You are up!!!!
Sorry, guys, I've been gone for awhile. Happily happy, you are correct. It was Eric in Grand Prix. You are up!!!!
HellsBells Tormenting Camp Counselors Jul 25, 2007 #908 "Hate to state the obvious, but her neck's been broken."
inthewind CSI Level Two Jul 25, 2007 #912 :lol:Yea! Yea! Let's try this one: H: "Not cagey, just meaningless".
inthewind CSI Level Two Jul 27, 2007 #914 What took you so long, Need4Speed? I knew you'd get it. :lol: And You would be correct!
Need4Speed Coroner Jul 27, 2007 #915 i was busy. by=ut anyways here's one. Speed:uh, Cal, I've done this before.