Name The Episode #2

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euhm I SERIOUSLY do not recall that she ever said that so i'm going for a hunch..

Double Cap?
wow Kit make mistake :eek: hey, dear this hot summer days make us act not very sensible, right ? ;)
*put pillow on Kit desk*

btw ilh214 is correct. :)
thanks! i only got it b/c i watched that ep. yesterday. :p

calleigh: you dropped the ball on this one
Pusher said:
hey, dear this hot summer days make us act not very sensible, right ? ;)

Great! I don't want to know what happens to me when we actually have summer temperatures here! It's atm around 15°C ... sucky beginning of vacation.

Pusher said:
*put pillow on Kit desk*

Thank you :lol:

Okay the latest quote, this is just a random guess, is it from Rampage?
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