Name That Episode # 3

Oh, I think I actually know this one. Leaving Las Vegas? That scene in Grissom's office when he told her he was leaving. I think she said something like that.
BrookeSidle got it right! The scene is wrong but that doesn't matter, it was LLV. It's when Catherine and Nick are in the car and he says something like she doesn't need to work anymore...
Your turn :)
Oh, well at least I got the episode right. Okaaay, what to do, what to do...?

I guess I'll just stick with Sara quotes, they're the only ones I really know.

Sara: Hey, we have one locker room and it's my job to be observant.
Thanks ILoveGregSanders for posting a new quote. I've been sick these last few days and haven't been able to go on the computer. I'm glad to see that the game is continuing!