Name That Episode # 3

I'm going to give it to GSRfanatic25 because it is said in both episodes. The one I was looking for is actually the second part of that episode (quite possibly a here's what happened last week replay) All for our Country.

Your turn!
Thank you GSRfanatic25.
By my quote you can tell I like Sara quotes too.

Sara: For every one that parts, one stands aboveground.
I know it! At least, I'm pretty sure I do...

'Evaluation Day' right? Sara's spreading the Gorilla's ashes. I loved her in that episode. I always quote Sara, and everyone thinks I'm crazy.
YAY! I got it. I remember watching that scene over and over and over just to figure out what she was saying. It was really quiet and hard to understand.

All right, my quote is also a Sara quote. What else?

Sara:I guess she killed you back

It might be totally obvious, but I hope not...