Name That Episode # 3

Nope it's not feeling the heat. It is ok if you guess more than once. the mods just ask if it is only once every 24 hours so it gives everyone who wants to play a chance to guess.

here is a hint: it's from season 2
The 24 hr mark is for those who win, if you win, you ask the next question, if that is answered and that person asks the next question the you have to wait 24 hrs to guess.

The exception to the rule is this, IF you see a question and you haven't won in 24 hrs, you can guess as many times as you like until a winner is declared.

Also note to rules, there is no rule that the moderators have to restart the game, we might from time to time, but that is not a must, anyone can restart a game, all we ask is to make sure that if a question was asked, or asked and answered and after 24 hrs nothing happens, the game can be restarted.

Hope this helps. :)
thank you, does that mean i can guess again? i don't want to spam, i have several ideas, and am not sure about any of them... is there any limit?
GSRfanatic25 said: thank you, does that mean i can guess again? i don't want to spam, i have several ideas, and am not sure about any of them... is there any limit?
No limits on the amount of guessing, just usually one answer per post and spamming is if you post double (aka back to back, one after another) that would be a no-no. Just wait until either someone posts after you or 12 hrs which ends the edit time, and the rules I stated in the earlier post. ;)
ok here is 2 clues. He was talking to Grissom and the episode was in the near the middle of the season. I hope that somewhat helps.