Name That Episode #2

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Head of the Swing Shift
N.T.E 1

Welcome to the second thread for "Name That Episode". :)

For those of you that are new to the game, the rules are as follows:

Quote is posted (Quote Must be longer then two or three words), People guess the Episode
Wait to be told if it’s right or wrong
IF Wrong guesses continue
IF Correct the person with the right answer goes next.

IF The Game has been dead 24 hrs from the time of the last post (Times are listed at the top of each post) then a new question can be asked.

IF you have answered a question please wait 24 hrs to answer another one, so that it slows down spamming and domination of the game and allows others to join in, who might feel they can not.

IF you have a question ABOUT the question that was asked you have that right but please post the name of the person who posed the original question. OR Quote the question and ask them either the question about it or to elaborate further.

WHEN a person gets the right answer please post the name of the person who got it correct, so there is no confusion.

Please Refrain from:
jumping in and asking questions until its your turn
Copping attitudes, venting, ect.

Please remember:
This is just a game, fun, but still a game.
Remember that others would
Pretty easy one:

NICK: Yup. I remember my first time in the field. CSI One. Green as could
be. Initial call was a robbery. I get there, triple homicide. Blood all over
the place, mother and two kids.
CSI_Sidle2399 please see your Private messages regarding your signature. Thank you.
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