

CSI Level One
I think Mythbusters is the only other show I watch as religiously as CSI. It's almost like I need the absurdity of Adam and Jamie to balance out the darkness of CSI.

So if there are any other fans, which episode would be your favorite? I really liked the one where they had the myth about the guy trying to lift the barrel of bricks with a pully. I was literally ROFLMAO!

I wish there were more new episodes more often :(
I watch Mythbusters but not enough to remember specific episodes. I like it when they blow things up, like cement trucks full of hardened cement!
That episode was awesome! I felt kinda bad for the camera guy, he was the only one within a mile radius of the truck! But of course anytime they blow stuff up is cool :)
Yeah the explosions rock! :D I don't remember any specific episodes either, but those two are so hilarious and I love learning which myths are true and which aren't. And since I live in California I recognize a lot of the places where they've filmed. So when me and my dad are watching the show we'll be like, "Hey I know where that is!" :lol:
I like the one where they put decomposing pigs in a t-bird (I think it was a t-bird, beautiful car) and let them sit for a few months to see if they could stink up the car so bad that it could not sell after that. They both looked like they were going to hurl.

Eventually they did sell the car, but only for parts. Another myth was where they tried to prove which ceiling fan could cut off someone's head LOL. BUSTED!
I love this show! Adam and Jamie are a household name for me. Anytime someone says their name, I think mythbusters.
As for favourite, I loved the "Exploding Trombone" episode where they shot the slide of the trombone at Buster. I thought it was brilliant how of course they do it the right way, all nice. And then they see how much it would take for it to actually happen and they shot buster off the stage.
Yay! Mythbusters fans!

I just remembered the one where they built the killer washing machine and had Buster in it spinning around and around...LMAO!

EDIT: And the one where the build team makes a replica of the Arc of the Covenant and shock Adam with it. Classic!
i love these guys!
i watch shark week every year, so you can imagine how excited i was that this year was 'mythbusters shark week'! they disproved almost all of the things they had the shark doing in the jaws movies, plus they showed that sharks arent interested in human blood. that was really cool.
and of course anything where they blow stuff up is great, i especially liked when adam burned his eyebrows off.
Adam and Jamie rule! Discovery is my 2nd fav channel after RTL (where they air CSI in Holland) so I regularly watch it!
I think I'd posted about this before... :D I'm with you, it's the only show (other than Mavericks games when they're televised) I watch as faithfully as "CSI". I love the whole smarta** approach to the experiments. The Archimedes Death Ray one was great - the guy who had the big mirror rig that got broken posts regularly on the MB message board, really nice guy. My personal fave, though, has to be the Civil War Rocket one...when they tried to interview Grant after he made the liquid nitrous oxide and he kept cracking up laughing...and Adam making the explosion noises...I love all the eps, though. And I adore the Build Team. Kari is a true kicka** chick. And Grant is a cutie. (and I love his laugh!)

And I love that it's filmed in the Bay Area! I'm a NorCal, originally from S.F. And we used to live in Sacramento also, so when they go to the aircraft parts place there in some eps, we're like "Yeah, home!" :lol:
ImissSpeed said:
I LOVE ADAM AND JAMIE... so much... you guys have no idea...

watch it all the time.. :D
heheh i thought you might

i watch it when theres nothing else on.. but ii do enjoy it :D

i wish there was a new series..
korbjaeger said:
And I love that it's filmed in the Bay Area! I'm a NorCal, originally from S.F. And we used to live in Sacramento also, so when they go to the aircraft parts place there in some eps, we're like "Yeah, home!" :lol:

w00t go NorCal and Bay Area! :lol:

I remember reading somewhere that Adam teaches a class over at the San Francisco Academy of Art. Me and my friends thought it would be funny if we took the class just so we could meet him :D
I want their jobs! They get to blow things up for a living. How cool is that? :)

It didn't involve blowing things up, but I thought the one where they were trying to catapult people (OK, dummies) across the Canadian/American boarder was hilarious. Shark week was fun too. Poor Buster gets put through a lot :lol: