Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

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Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

MacsGirlMel said:
"I don't know how I could've made a mistake...?" Mac was confused. "Perhaps someone switched vests on you? What I do know is that either way, we're going to need to find evidence clearing the rest of the team, myself included. Can you tell us anything at all that you can remember that might be of help?"

"The last thing I remembr is talking to you Stel and saying what the brass is forcing me to do. That's the last thing I remember before I ended up here. Sorry." Sheldon responed to Mac as he was beginning to wake up. "I do remeber someone being in my room, telling me-- no ordering me to put the vest or or else."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"Yes, my roomate was going to be Hawkes." Calleigh repeated, wondering why Grissom was calling her. "Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked.

[I know I'm being hypocritical, but maybe we should get back to atleast 3 lines of on topic posting. ;) I don't understand why Grissom is calling Calleigh.. Does he need to ask her something? It's really hard to post 3 lines because I have nothing to say.]
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan rushed back to the lab with the bullet that Sara gave him so Calleigh could test it right away. He walks into the lab not noticing she's on the phone. "Hey Cal I got that bullet from Sara..." She turns around and he sees she's on the phone and she puts her finger up to her mouth shushing him. He puts his hands up," oh sorry, I'll wait." He takes a seat waiting for her.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Calleigh was still on the phone when Ryan walked in and said he had the bullet from Sara. She showed him she was on the phone and told him to be quiet. She finished her call with Grissom and hung up. She sighed, "Well, I just lost my hotel room. It's now a crime scene." She took the bullet from Ryan. "Great, now I can finally do some work on this case. Thanks, Ryan."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

She finally hangs up from her call and tells him she lost her hotel room. “I was going to tell you that, Sara told me. I don’t see why it's mandatory that we stay here at the hotel seeing that we're so close to home. I seriously hate sleeping in hotel beds, you know how much stuff, and you know what I mean by stuff, if on those mattresses...that's gross." He says widening his eyes. " Um … if they won’t let you go home you know I have my own room here and I do have two beds in it, there’s plenty of room and well you’re welcome to stay in my room.” He drums on the table nervously.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

(all I got told, was that Catherine told Grissom to call her, so I'm not sure what to do really. I must sound like an idiot. oh,god...
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Grissoms currently Fellow Mimami CSI Calleigh Duquesne that her room was a crime scene and that Hawkes vest had been tampered with. He sighs and slams his little black flip-phone shut with more force than he meant after saying his goodbyes. 'off to find the sneaky little bastard now....' he thinks to himself as he looks around the room, at no-one in particular.

(I hope I fixed the confusion I caused with this, thanks for being so understanding :) )
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan offered to share his room with Calleigh, since she didn't have a one. "Before I even came to this convention I asked if I could stay at home. I don't understand why we have to stay in these hotels either, but I have to." Calleigh said nervously. She thought about the idea for a second, "Well, I.. I don't know..."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

{Melly, wanna have Nicky and Rick walk in together? .. oooh Christine is going to play H, nice!}

Stella grabbed Danny and dragged him into Hawkes room when they finished talking, and she smiled at him, and glanced at Mac, "What's going on?" she said as she watched them, she looked back at Danny and then walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair, "How are you?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Hawkes lookes at Stella and Danny and said, "How do I look? I was just shot 5 times." He looks at Danny and said, "You know you didn't have to tail the ambulance all the way here." He said as he looked at Danny and then to Mac adn said, "Do you think th eperson who ordered me to put the vest on wanted me dead?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Grissom arrives at Calleighs room, kit in hand. (ok, tell em if this is right! please! I don't wanna muck up anymore. I'm considerng pulling out of this RPG, it's getting way to confusing with upto 6 different people in one scene.....)
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan leans back into his chair," hey we're friends and who else could you stay with? Oh I know.” He falls forward in his chair,” I’m sure Speed has room for you." He looks up at her with a goofy look," Cal you know me, you were going to stay in a room with a complete stranger of man, why not stay with one you know?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Everyone please remember that it's 5 minutes between posts and 3 lines. If we can't do this on our own, I will ask the mod to check in with this group again. We were doing so well for a while. I know we can do it again. And one more thing, everyone can edit their post 24 hours after they were sumitted, so can we stop the double posts.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

ok, but I am totally lost....I'm sorry to say this, but I have to pull out, I'm just not good enough to join towards the end of a HUGE RPG like this one, I look forward to joinign your other ones in the future though :)
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