Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

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Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Catherine nodded her head as Ryan left for the servalance. She watched Delko walk over to her newest CSI. "Delko, you may want to teach him. He's still a rookie." She called to Eric about greg. She looked at Calleigh and said, "We got the scene."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"No problem, Catherine, I had to babysit Wolfe plenty enough when he was a rookie," Delko called after Catherine, and Ryan flashed him a dirty look. "Alright, Rookie, scoop up those casings and get them over to 'Bullet Girl', if that's what she's doing these days. I can't keep up with all these personnel changes," Delko joked. Greg's mood began to lighten. He knew that he and Delko probably shouldn't joke so much during an investigation, but the humor helped to get his mind off of what transpired earlier that evening.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Greg gathered up the casings Delko had just found and put them in an envelope. He took them along with the talon casing he had found over to where Calleigh and Catherine were standing. "Here's some bullet casings. Five appear to be 9 mm, the other is a golden talon, which is an anomaly. It may be totally unrelated to our shooting," Greg said. He called Calleigh aside for a moment. "Look, since we're going to be working together, I just want to say I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I just wanted Sara to have a chance at a nice evening with Ryan, and I thought you'd want the same with Speed. But I thought wrong, and I messed things up. So there it is, and I'm sorry," he said. He smiled sheepishly and walked back to his area of the crime scene to check for gunshot residue.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

{I am...freakishly confused. New thing for me? No, not really. If it's possible, could someone fill be in really quick with just a brief discribtion of what is going on? That'd be really, really nice.}
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

(happy bday BT)

Mac greeted Calleigh, who he remembered from the Darius case. "It's a pleasure to work with your team again, though I wish the cirucmstances weren't as they are" he said. He did have to chuckle at Delko; the scene made him recall teaching Hawkes the ropes of the field.

(I meant have Cath, right Lynn? Does someone have Nick?)
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

{Okay, I don't know if I missed something, but where are the CSIs? And what are they going to do with the evidence? Calleigh needs to look at the casings.. Where can she do that? :confused:}
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Catherine looked at Mac and said, "How many people would you say were around when the shooting happened?" She asked as she wated to understand how no one saw the shooter except the one that got shot.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara waited for a response from Stella or Danny as to whether Hawkes vest was department issue or his own, but neither seemed to know. "The reason I'm asking," Sara said, " is that this vest shows signs of sabotage. See here," she pointed the lining out to Danny and Stella. "There are several slash marks in the lining, and one of the bullet holes falls along one of those slash lines. This is how Hawkes was wounded even though he was wearing the vest. So I need to know who all had access to this vest besides Hawkes. If it's department issue, then, I hate to say it, but everyone on the New York team is a suspect." She picks up her cellphone and calls Catherine. "Hey Cath, I need to speak to Mac, we've got a problem with Hawkes' vest."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Catherine retrieved her cell phone and andswered it. "What type of problem Sara? I'm not putting Mac on the phone until you tell me what type of problem we have?" She said to the woman on the other end.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Catherine demanded to know exactly what the problem with Hawkes vest was. "It's been sabotaged. The inside lining is slashed in several places down to but not through the outer shell. One of the bullet holes goes right through one of the areas that was slashed. I need to know if this vest is department issue or Hawkes personal property. Neither Danny nor Stella seems to know. If it's department issue we've got a big problem on our hands. Mac said he inspected the vest so I need to ask him if he recognized it as department issue."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan started off to check out the video footage when he heard Delko say he's had to baby-sit him enough," Yeah right!" He mutters to himself.
He has an officer show him to the room where all the video surveillance taping is done.
He walks in and introduces himself to the man in charge.” I’m Officer Wolfe, Miami crime lab I’m here to take a look at the footage near the shooting.”
He extends his hand to another man who shakes it,” I’m Peter Norton, head of security here. No one was watching the video because we have security out on the floor. Now a few of the cameras don’t work real good, old equipment and some may not have been on at the time.”
Ryan sits his case down on the ground,” that’s wonderful, why have the stuff if it doesn’t work or it’s not turned on?” He shakes his head in disbelief.
“This isn’t my fault I work with what the hotel gives us for budgets. I need to go check on something, if you need any help just ask this guard here to page me.” He walks away and Ryan sits down in front of the TV which has a 4 way split screen on it of 4 different areas of the hotel. He figures out which areas the shooting occurred in and finds the tape for that area. He rewinds the tape to an hour before the shooting watching it.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Catherine closed her eyes and said, "Alight but we better not have the huge problem on our hands." She handed Mac the phone and said, "Will you be able to tell a department issue vest over a non department issue?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

After Mac replied with what Cath had asked about, he took the phone. "I should be able to, yes." He was surprised to hear about the sabotage. "I'm certain the evidence will clear my you want me to come down and have a look or can you get it back here to show me?" he asked. He thought briefly of Shane framing Hawkes but Shane was in jail, it couldn't be another of his frameups. Could it?

(PM me and let me know if you want it to be Hawkes' vest or police vest, whoever plays him. DC I think.)
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Mac asked Sara if it would be better if he came out to the hospital or if she came back to the convention center with the vest. "Clear it with Catherine, but I think it might be better if you and any remaining members of your team that can be spared could come to the hospital. That way if I need to process you further I can. Maybe Speed or Delko should come along too, so I can turn the evidence over to one of them, since we're under Miami's jurisdiction," Sara said.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

While Sara was talking to Mac, Sheldon had just gotten out of sergery. The doctors had say that he was lucky. If he had arrived 5 minutes later, he wouldn't have made it. He was now in recovery, trying to regain his strength.
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