Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

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Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Greg noticed Sara did not look happy at all when she came back into the classroom. "What was that you said earlier about being happy about how things are going?" Greg asked smugly. Sara flashed him a dirty look, and he regretted his remark. "Sara, seriously," Greg said to her, "You know I wouldn't do this to you--invite a third person on a date just because I feel bad for her. You deserve better than that. He's no better than Grissom, not knowing what he wants. Why do you always go after the guys who don't know what they want? First Hank, then Grissom, now 'the Wolfe'. You know I'd hand my heart to you on a silver platter if you wanted it. Why don't you want me, Sara?" Greg asked tears welling up in his warm brown eyes. Sara didn't know what to say, she just tousled his hair and wiped a tear from his cheek.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan left Calleigh for a minute and talked to Sara. Whatever he was saying to her seemed to dissapoint Sara. Then he walked back over to Calleigh, inviting her to dinner. "Ryan, I couldn't do that. You were supposed to be going just you and Sara. Just because I can't have a successful relationship doesn't mean I have to interupt yours." She said softy with a smile.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Mac recognized that as a sign of shock. He was looking for a chance to call the paramedics but he knew they wouldn't enter until the scene was secure. Mac found the one wound that had hit flesh and continued to hold pressure on it, one hand holding onto Hawkes'. "Just hang on, okay? I'll call for help as soon as I can, but you have to keep fighting..."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"I'm trying Mac." Sheldon responded. "I'm cold and I want to go to sleep." He said as he tried to keep them alert. He looked around him and saw that no one else from the NYPD CSI Lab even cared that he had just gotten shot. "No one cares about me." He said as he was getting colder.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara felt terrible. She thought for sure that she and Ryan would enjoy a romantic evening together. But then Calleigh had to interfere. Yet something in Sara's gut told her that Calleigh really didn't mean to interfere, she just wasn't having a good time and Ryan was concerned about her. "He's known her a lot longer than me, they have a history together. There's no way I can compete with that," she thought to herself as she gazed at them through the doorway.
Greg's snarky remark didn't help matters much, but she deserved it. She had just invited him along to dinner to spite Ryan, not because she actually wanted Greg there. Greg saw through her scheme, yet loved her anyway. His question to her nearly broke her heart: "Why do you always want the guys who don't know what they want?" She gazed at Ryan and Calleigh again through the doorway and sighed, then turned back to see tears welling up in Greg's eyes--those warm, brown, puppy-dog eyes. She couldn't think of anything to say, she had no answer for his question. So she just mussed his waves of sandy hair and wiped away a tear from his cheek. Just then Ryan walked back in, witnessing Sara's tender gesture.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan crosses his arms across his chest," Calleigh your not going to be interfering trust me you have to go now, Greg is going to be there and that's going to be too weird, the dude loves her. What else are you going to do, sit in your room starving and avoiding a certain person? You’re going and that’s it. I’ll see you back in class.” He walks away not giving her another chance to decline the invite. He gets back into the room and spots Sara talking to Greg while messing with his hair and touching his face.” Nice! Yeah this is really going the way I want it to.” He mutters to himself.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Calleigh listened as Ryan ordered her to come on the date with him. She couldn't help but start laughing. She opened her mouth to talk but he already left the room. "I guess I won't be alone tonight." She said under her breath. She followed Ryan out into the room and found Sara and Greg there too. "I guess I'll be joining you guys for dinner tonight! Things could get interesting." She looked at Ryan and then over to Greg. "I might have to referee you two." She said with a grin. She hoped getting out for the night would take her mind off Speed, since the lecture about bones wasn't helping.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara heard Calleigh saying she would be joining them for dinner and quickly withdrew her hand from Greg's face. She had hoped Ryan didn't see her touching Greg, but the expression on his face told her he had. Greg turned around in sullen silence. Ryan sighed, shook his head and sat next to Sara, kicking himself for messing up what would have been a perfect romantic evening with Sara. Sara glanced back and forth between the back of Greg's head, and the side of Ryan's frowning face, hidden by his hand as he leaned on his elbow. She wanted to touch Ryan and reassure him that her touching Greg's face was just an innocent gesture, but wasn't sure that would do any good--it would probably make things worse. She secretly wished he would stop frowning and take her hand, but knew that would be asking for too much. So she sat, saying nothing, drumming her fingers on her knee. Calleigh seemed to be the only one who was smiling at the moment.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan glares at Calleigh after her remark.” funny Cal, your lots of help.”
He rolls his eyes,” I was worried about her and now look what happened." He thinks to himself.
All he could do was frown at the thought of dinner now. He sits down in his seat next to Sara grabbing his pen and paper, now he was ready to pay attention to the class and take notes. He grips his pen tightly in his left hand swaying it back and forth letting her know there wasn't going to be anymore hand holding. “What am I doing here?" Goes through his head," I don't need more hassles in my life. I mean where could this possibly lead to? I live in Miami, she lives in Vegas. I'm not into long distance relationships, I can't handle a real relationship." He looks over at her from the corner of his eye," I really like her though." He looks over at Calleigh whose mood has suddenly changed for the better.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan glared at Calleigh for her comment. "Great, I always like helping." She said sarcasticly back. Suddenly Ryan didn't look so happy. She sat down beside Ryan and noticed him looking uncomfortable. She wrote him a note, "Are you okay? You look like something is bothering you." She slid her sheet over so he could read it.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan tries to concentrate on the class but his mind is too full of what's going on around him and his feelings. He's staring straight ahead when he notices Calleigh wrote him another note to read. He leans over towards it to read then he clicks his pen a few times then writes down his answer pushing it over to her side," I'm fine, I'm just trying to learn something new here, like we're suppose to be doing."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan sent the note back and Calleigh started to think he was mad at her. She thought about writing another note but she left it alone. Calleigh glanced at Ryan before she looked up to the front and wrote down a few points. She would have done anything to just to be able to go home.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara was steaming inside. "Great, now Ryan and Calleigh are writing notes back and forth. How disasterous can this get?" She thought to herself. She wrote a note and passed it to Greg. "Sorry, but I think I'm developing a migraine. I think I'm going to have to renig on dinner. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Tell the others I'm sorry, okay?" After she gave him the note she gathered her things. "I need some air," she explained to Ryan and Calleigh as she left the room. She went out to the terrace and sat in a comfy chair, enjoying the soft evening breeze. She gazed at the stars and tried to forget everything that had transpired so far.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Stella heard the gunshots and told Speed she'll be right back and ran out and saw her team and then looked at Hawkes, and felt fear rise up in her, and she ran to him, "Sheldon, are you okay?" She looked at him and then looked at Mac, silently asking him the same question.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Greg read the note that Sara wrote him, then handed it to Ryan. He waited a moment for him to read it, then gathered his things and left, saying "I'm going to go see if she's okay." Ryan mentioned that maybe he should go. "No, you've done enough," Greg said. Greg went out to the terrace and found Sara lounging in a chaise lounge, gazing up at the stars, tears streaming down her face. Greg sat on the end of the chaise lounge, taking her hands in his. "How's your migraine?" he asked, smiling.
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