Misheard Lyrics.

One of the most famous missheard lyrics. Elton John - Tiny Dancer. Even Phoebe from Friends got this wrong :lol:

Hold me closer Tony Danza

Real Lyric:
Hold me closer Tiny Dancer[/i]

Phoebe cracks me up everytime I see that Friends episode :lol:
When I heard...
Now that you know I'm trapped sense of ovulation
:lol: quoth for ages I thought it was Now that you know I'm tapped since ovulation
Good to know it's not just me.
Back in the day, my mom used to think that instead of "So Lonely" (The Police), Sting was singing, "Salami". :lol:

We still pull out that old gem once in a blue moon.
csi_love said:
When I heard...
Now that you know I'm trapped sense of ovulation
:lol: quoth for ages I thought it was Now that you know I'm tapped since ovulation
Good to know it's not just me.

OMG you're not serious!! :lol: Wow, then I'm really glad it's not just me :p I thought I was just deaf :rolleyes:
But doesn't that sound like what he's saying!?? :lol: It's sounds like that! He says ofelation like squished together, and it sounds like ovulation :rolleyes:
This Ain't A Scene - Fall Out Boy
Real line:
I'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate
I'm a little man, and I'm also evil, also into cats, also into cats.

I know that sounds crazy but it actually sounds like that. :lol: Patrick slurs his words alot. :p Someone posted a video with misheard lyrics for that song and people loved it so much there are Also Into Cats t-shirts. :lol:

ETA: I'm listening to Enrique Eglasias - Do You Know and I swear the line went:
Emerge, flying saucers and a train juice... *blinks* It really goes like:
If birds, flying south is a sign of changes... :rolleyes:
Yeah, I also heard a lot of weird things in Fall Out Boy songs, too bad i don't remember them. :eek:
One of my favourite bands (Apulanta) has section on their webpage where fans can send "misheard lyrics", when it's their song :lol:
They have quite unique lyrics and often are hard to catch (until you read those) and man I've had so much fun with those!
And yes, have misheard lots of their lyrics as well :p

Then my another fave band 45 Degree woman (www.45dw.com) song One

Real: (one) can´t you see I´m a mortal man
Me: (one) can´t you see I´m a woman

It's just because the way he sings the song :p

...which I first thought was strange because the vocalist is a guy... :p
In the song We've Only Just Begun by Run Kid Run, I always mistake this one line.
real: pick up yourself, you keep getting closer
me: pick up your cell phone, you keep getting older

eh. I have a lot more, I just can't remember them :p
sandersidle said:
This Ain't A Scene - Fall Out Boy
Real line:
I'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate
I'm a little man, and I'm also evil, also into cats, also into cats.

I know that sounds crazy but it actually sounds like that. :lol: Patrick slurs his words alot. :p Someone posted a video with misheard lyrics for that song and people loved it so much there are Also Into Cats t-shirts. :lol:

hahaha! I just watched that, and lmfao, it was hilarious! :lol:
In the Backstreet Boys song Larger Than Life I always thought that they were cursing in the song and everytime I would sing it my brother would say that I was cursing.

All you people can't you see, can't you see
How your love's f**king our reality

Real Lyrics:
All you people can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Fall Out Boy - This Ain't a Scene It's an Arms Race

I heard...
I'm not so emo, and oh so into cats.

Correct Lyrics...
And the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate
Haha, yeah, Fall Out Boy probably could be one of the bands where misheard lyrics are more common. I mean, I don't know how Patrick does to sing it in a way that makes it so hard for you to understand what he is saying :confused: :lol:

I also have my funny embarassing misheard lyrics, I know I do because I remember laughing at my face when I realise it, but I don't remember them anymore :rolleyes:
CSI_Lemur said:
Fall Out Boy - This Ain't a Scene It's an Arms Race

I heard...
I'm not so emo, and oh so into cats.

Correct Lyrics...
And the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate

:lol: When that song first came out, I heard it on the radio a few times, but I hadn't heard the name of it, and I thought the line went "This ain't a scene, it's an ox race".
I'm not sure it would be a good idea for me to post what I thought the lyrics to This Ain't a Scene It's an Arms Race were the first time I heard it.
There are mods lurking :lol:
Fall-Out Boy has said that they mumble the lyrics because they think it sounds better, but because they do that it makes me think This Ain't A Scene It's An Arm's Race goes like this:

"This ain't a scene it's a whaa whaa arm's race." :lol: