Yeah - the more I see/hear of her, the more I can't stand her. :angryrazz: I really didn't like her when she first came on and I like her less and less with each episode. I think people with little children who kill themselves are selfish to some extent, but then again, I also think people who judge those who attempt/commit suicide fail to understand the severity of depression and how hopeless it can make one feel. I think those people are very judgmental and quite ruthless at times... depression is a serious mental illness. I'm currently studying mental illnesses for my Master's degree and so many of them are just brushed off as nothing - they should just pick themselves up and go on. Yeah, well that's very easy to say. And also very judgmental. That comment of hers just pissed me off!!! :scream: Maybe if he had had little kids, I could see some credence to it, but he didn't. He had no one vulnerable to depend on him. I can't stand Riley - I hope they get rid of her. She's nothing but a cheap replacement for Sara and Sara would NEVER have said anything like that!!!Sounds like Riley might have issues with people killing themselves.
Nah... I think she's just an idiot.Perhaps someone in her family or an ex boyfriend did or something. Hmm... interesting.
IMO, I think it's very clear that someone important to her committed suicide. I just can't imagine TPTB putting that angle in if that wasn't the case. Not to mention that we definitely saw spoilers indicating something like this happening with Riley. I really like her character and I think that the angle was developed very tastefully.
Just like it's unfair to judge a depressed or suicidal person for their ailment, I think it's equally unfair to judge Riley as 'just an idiot.' You said that people wrongfully assume that those with forms of depression "should just pick themselves up and go on" and I feel like the same type of expectations are being set for Riley in this case. Clearly, someone close to her committed suicide and the event had a traumatic effect on her and impacted her perspective greatly. Her comment about suicide as selfish is, IMO, less the result of her "being an idiot" and more the result of her judgment being clouded by grief, which I think is quite understandable. For all we know, someone she loves could have committed suicide in the last week. Traumatic experience impact people's judgment and attitudes, making them say and do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. I really think people should cut Riley some slack on this one.