'Miami' Puts Love On Hold, Things Heat Up On 'CSI:NY'

CSI Files

Things have cooled off for CSI: Miami’s main couple, but one CSI: New York character’s love life is about to heat up. (Spoilers after the jump!) The relationship between Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) and Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez) seems to have stalled out, and Miami co-executive producer Marc Dube said the pair will stay apart [...]

NGL, I think it's kind of creepy that Eric and Calleigh are either dating or...like siblings. :wtf: What an unfortunate description. Mr Dube.

Get it, Hawkes! :thumbsup:
^ Yes, it all seems rather incestuous now (if it didn't before!). :lol: I'm sure people will see what they want/expect to see either way but the fact that someone associated with the show described their relationship that way makes me cringe a little inside.

Nice to see that Hawkes is getting a love interest though. However long it may last, judging by the spoilers. :p
Finally Hawkes gets a love interest!!!I was waiting for this a very long time!!
I'm also relieved with the end of E/C.These two are more interesting characters when you see them individualy rather than as a couple.
Well, they are not over, they are just 'on hold', that means more back and forth that none of us wants and I agree with Faylinn that being like siblings is creepy after all they have been through(bed scenes included). What really annoying is that fans of that relationship(and the rest for that matter) had to find out the reason of their break-up through the interview with co-executive producer.
Besides, there is a lot more love in other CSIs, I'm happy thatHawkes will have a love interest. Ryan or Natalia should date, too. It's not normal that attractive people like them are single for so many years(again, not many things are 'normal' in CSIM :D)
In all honesty I hope that E/C 'back off' from each other permanently- Seasons 5-8 were my least favourite and it's no coincidence that's when the 'romance' started. Even though I still didn't like them I preferred them back when they weren't dating and had that lovely brother-sister relationship (although...rather weird way to put it Mr Dube :wtf:) The fandom was split in half because of them, so bringing them back together IMO wouldn't do any good.

On the other hand, I'm glad Hawkes is getting a girl. I haven't watched NY in a while, but he was one of my favourites and I'm glad something good is happening to him :)

Ryan or Natalia should date, too. It's not normal that attractive people like them are single for so many years(again, not many things are 'normal' in CSIM )

:lol: There is such a phenomenon as attractive people staying single for that long :lol:. I have a very attractive cousin but she hasn't dated in years just because she doesn't want to be bogged down in a relationship. And my brother's also single cause he can't hold down a relationship for more than a few days.

Just saying, single attractive people exist :p
Good for Sheldon :)

There's no way you go from sleeping with someone to seeing them as your sibling, that's just... disturbing. As for the rest of his comments the only new thing for me is the specific reason of the break up. Not because I hadn't already thought about it but because it was finally confirmed by someone from the show, since it wasn't explained ON the show. But I agree with kala that it's only on hold. And I don't say this with happiness and hope that they'll get back together. I say this with frustration that the writers seem to enjoy the rollercoaster ride they always have them on.

Miami's TPTB gets an A+. It's like they finally got some sense knocked into 'em.