Melina Kanakaredes

CSI Files

Stella Bonasera, the character played by <font color=yellow>Melina Kanakaredes</font> on CSI: New York, is no shrinking violet. The tough leading lady of the second CSI spin-off shot her boyfriend Frankie when he tried to kill her and foiled the plan of another bad boy: Drew Bedford, Mac's 333 stalker, who attempted to get at Mac by romancing Stella. Kanakaredes took time out from filming the final episode of 2007 to tell CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about her hopes for her character's future and her thoughts on some of Stella's major storylines.

CSI Files: What episode are you working on right now?

Melina Kanakaredes: We're working on our last written episode. I'm hoping this strike will come to an end so we'll have a lot more. It's 414.

CSI Files: What's coming up for Stella? Anything you can tell us about?

Kanakaredes: Fortunately, no more bad boyfriends! We got the bad guy last week [in "The Thing About Heroes"] but fortunately for Stella, she realized it. She knew something was wrong with him all the way through, so I'm very happy about that.

CSI Files: What did you think about that storyline and Stella's involvement in it?

Kanakaredes: It was really funny because when the writers originally told me about it, I was like, "Oh, guys, you can't have her fall for another bad guy!" They said, "Don't worry, don't worry, it's not going to be stupid, she'll figure it out, she'll know something's wrong from the beginning." It's so funny because I had such a great time with <font color=yellow>Kerr Smith</font> (Drew Bedford). I just loved Kerr and he was so much fun and we were laughing because he'd just had surgery on his leg and he couldn't move the first day of work. It was one of those things where you don't know what to expect. Sometimes I like to be surprised and see what happens. It started in the first episode of season four ("Can You Hear Me Now?"). We started getting little hints of this whole 333. So this was well in advance. A lot of times we don't have storylines that far, so it was kind of fun for us to anticipate what was happening and how the writers were going to have this unfold. I kind of had a brief outline, but most of it was very much a surprise. So I went on the ride with the audience--just a few weeks earlier!

CSI Files: So did you know from the beginning that Drew was bad news?

Kanakaredes: I knew from the beginning, and tried to play the opposite at the beginning so that the audience would be shocked when it was him. But I think it went down pretty well the way they wrote it, and I don't think anybody thought it would be him. Go back to the beginning now, and all our die hard fans will be able to tell. We always leave something in there for the people who watch all the time. I always say when we're doing something on the set and it's not matching or it's something different, I'm like, "Hey, our fans are going write in about this!" They watch all the little details! Especially if they're able to TiVO and stop it, so [we have to make sure we can] keep them entertained and keep them guessing!

CSI Files: What do you think it is about Stella that attracts all these bad boys?


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Great interview. :D

It was interesting to read her thoughts about Stella's relationships, I think Stella still came across a little slow over Drew, but it could have been worse. And the Mac/Stella relationship is great, as is Stella's relationships with the other characters in general. She is a fantastic, strong, supportive woman. Which is why I will probably never like 'All Access', but I'm not surprised that she loved it, after all it did give her a lot to do, and some exciting scenes.

I found it really interesting that they originally planned for Stella to be HIV positive, although it really isn't surprising that CBS didn't want to go that way. Maybe they would have if the storyline had been given to someone other than Stella.

And my favorite thing about Flack is his ties!.....Stella's got cool tops and he's got great ties.

:lol: Yes, Flack's ties are interesting, and they are obviously a hit on set, 'unique' is a great way to describe them. They won't be improving any time soon! But I wouldn't describe Stella's tops as 'cool' exactly... ;) She is hot though, and could totally do Maxim. :lol:
Great interview, Kristine. Is this the first time that you've interviewed Melina for the site?

I find it very interesting that one of the episodes that you hated the most for its victimization of a female character -- All Access -- is one of her favorites. What do you think of the difference between her reaction to the episode and your own?
:D Yay! Glad you could talk to her. Melina is a sweetheart and a wonderful actress.

I think Stella has a beautiful relationship with all the men in the show, especially Flack (I've said before, Melina & Eddie have an amazing chemistry),but yeah, I'd like her and Mac to be more than friends one day. ;) And I may not like where TPTB take Stella sometimes, but I gotta love her. To me Stella Bonasera is one of the best female characters on tv.

I've heard about that magazine before. Hill talked about it. LOL Good for Gary! :p Looks like they are a great team on and off screen too. Me likes that! :lol:

And, I'm not surprised she liked AA. It makes sense. That 's the actress talking. No doubt an actor wants his character to make mistakes, get in trouble, fight, cry, be in danger etc. Artistically AA gave her more that other 10 - 15 episodes could. All that range of emotions, the action. Yes, painful to watch, but Melina did a fantastic job with it.

Thanks a lot Kristine. Great interview!
Great Interview! It was intessesting to see what Melina thinks about her character and the other actors along with their characters! Its also great to know that her fav ep is All Access!! :)
Thank you, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. :cool:

Springmoon said:
Great interview, Kristine. Is this the first time that you've interviewed Melina for the site?

It is. :)

I find it very interesting that one of the episodes that you hated the most for its victimization of a female character -- All Access -- is one of her favorites. What do you think of the difference between her reaction to the episode and your own?

I completely understand why she liked it--as Lorelai and Melina herself mentioned, it gave her so much to do as an actress, and she did give a fantastic performance. I also think she focused on the fact that Stella got her due in the end--she shot and killed Frankie, so it is a triumph story of sorts.

I actually went and reread my review for "All Access" while in the middle of transcribing the episode, and my thoughts on it do stand. Part of my problem with it was contextual--in the three CSI series, we often see the main female characters pay a heavy price for wanting to have romantic lives outside of work. If you look at the trend overall--Catherine picking one bad man after another, Yelina ending up in an abusive relationship, Stella getting attacked by her boyfriend--versus the men's relationships (Horatio gets the "perfect angel" wife in Marisol, Mac gets the patient and affectionate Peyton), it's rather disturbing. I think ultimately--and understandably--Melina and I are looking at it from two very different perspectives. I do agree with her point about Stella shooting Frankie, though--that was a good end for the whole ordeal, and definitely vindicating.
Wonderful interview, as always. :D

I love Stella, and it's great to see Melina's perspective on the relationships between Stella and the rest of the team. The rapport with Flack is, like you said, fantastic, and I always enjoy seeing them work together. I also love the friendship between her and Mac, and it's always great to see them be there for each other. The friendship with Lindsay is newer, and there isn't much to go on, but I could see it being a big sister/little sister dynamic.

As has been said already, looking at "All Access" from an actor's perspective, it's a great episode to do because of the range and the emotion and the impact. As viewers, there's a different perspective on it, and I think the comments in your original review were right on the money regarding how the women are so easily written as victims for plot purposes. Looking at a storyline individually, it's powerful and all that, but looking overall--"disturbing" is a good word to describe it.

It's very interesting that they were planning to have her test positive for HIV. That would have been a very powerful and groundbreaking storyline, and while I love Stella and wouldn't wish for her to be in that situation, part of me wishes CBS hadn't put the brakes on the idea. As Bill Haynes proves, things like that really happen.

On a lighter note, I love that she loves Flack's *cough*horrid*cough* ties, and that Maxim cover sounds hilarious. :lol:

I hope we get to see her "dream storyline" come to pass as well. I'm interested to see what that would be. :)

Once again, excellent review, K. *smooches*
Great interview Kristine! :) Loved it!

It's very interesting to find out that Melina's favorite episode is All Access. I agree that the ep. was disturbing but come to think of it, this particular victim fought back and killed her abuser in self-defense.

As for the AIDS story line, I wonder how everything would have played out if the writers prevailed and have had Stella test positive for AIDS.

Loved finding out her take on the dynamics between Stella and the rest of the team. I agree that Stella and Flack have great chemistry. On a lighter note, it's funny to know that she loves Flack's fugly tie. :lol: Don't we all? :lol:
Perhaps it's a girl power thing and that I have such a high level of respect for Melina, but I think this just might be my favorite interview of yours ever, Kristine. :D Yep, even beating out Carmine's first and the Jon Togo one with the fun back and forth banter. :eek: Melina's a truly strong, dynamic woman and I think you brought that out in this interview. Awesome! Really, really well done by both you and Melina.
The irony of the interview is that, even though it's an interview with Melina, now I love Gary Sinise more than ever. :lol: Just never imagined a guy like him would pull a prank like that!

Melina is so darn cute. I wouldn't mind going on a date with her. ;)
This has to be my favourite interview ever on talkcsi, & not just because the interviewee is Melina Kanakaredes. She's like, the coolest person ever & it's not just because she's Greek! I thought the answers & questions were extremely brilliant & I immensly(sp) enjoyed reading every word. Fabulous job Kristine :D!

*eta* I'm intrigued to know what Melina means about the dream location that is near & dear to Melina's & Stella's heart. Could it possibly be Greece, 'cause that would be pretty f*cking awesome. *begs writers to do it*
Great interview! :D I love the way Melina talks so enthusiastically about everything! She seems like a really fun person to be around. I saw a clip somewhere (I think either on the DVDs or YouTube), she was getting ready for a scene with Gary when she suddenly broke into song! And Gary looked like he was all used to it already. :lol: How adorable. And I love it when she speaks Greek, hehe.

All Access was great for the drama, and Melina did a fantastic job of potraying Stella in peril. It was difficult to watch, but it's understandable that Melina would love the episode, it's material that actors relish in. :D

The irony of the interview is that, even though it's an interview with Melina, now I love Gary Sinise more than ever.
Oh, so do I, Kimmy. :D

But I wouldn't describe Stella's tops as 'cool' exactly... She is hot though, and could totally do Maxim.
I would say that Stella has really sexy tops. :cool: And the outfits suit Melina so well. I agree, she could do Maxim. She is one hot momma. :D
Glad you guys liked the interview. :) I have to say, I was really surprised to learn the original plan was for Stella to test positive for HIV. I never would have predicted that in a million years; in fact, I thought it was a mistake to choose Stella for that storyline because the audience would automatically assume she would be negative. So it's really interesting to hear that the original plan was for her to test positive.