Meeting Girls/Women

Well, I think it's difficult to generalize. I remember when I was younger I would often hang out with a friend of mine in the city. We'd sometimes go shopping (or rather she would drag me through dozens of stores). We also hung around fast food places or went to the supermarket to get food and drinks and then we'd sit on a bench and watch people.

Sometimes we also just wandered around or simply stayed at home. I've only ever went to a youth group a couple times, at a church of all places :lol: but that was because I knew some people there.

I'd recommend pool halls, if you have any near-by. Go with a friend so you don't have the pressure of having to meet someone in order to have company, but you can take a look around and check out girls. ;)

Another place where I met nice people was on vacation with a youth group, kinda like summer camp.

Other than that, there's always girls willing to flirt at parties, but you're probably still too young for clubs :p

Don't worry, the right girl will come. As for what to say: Try "Hi, I'm ***. I'm new here." Usually gets them to reveal their name for starters. There's no universial pick-up-line, I can only advice you not to try any of the cheesy flirt-one-liners. Most girls don't go for that. Try small talk instead, it'll get you further.