media studies project...please help.


im doing a project on CSI and CSI miami and i would love some feed back. if you are a big fan of CSI miami please tell me why you watch it? also do you feel that the representation of crime is accurate in CSI miami to the crime that actually happens in Miami??
please post back
thanks xxx
Hi! I watch CSI:Miami because...well, I don't why! Last Christmas I was at a BFF's Christmas party and we went upstairs and it was on. Everyone tried to change it but I made them stay there.I've been addicted to it ever since and could tell just as much as someone who's been watching since season 1.

I think there's probably a lot of ccrime in miami. But some of the situations are out-of-the-orinary, but I guess that's life. The "csi's" in real life just do what is known as "bag it, tag it" and photogragh things, while on the show, they do the work of a real life Homicide Detective.

I hope this helps you, good luck! Sorry for the novel, but i like to talk about CSI...a lot :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT IS REALY HELPFUL. I LOVE csi TO ITS VERY ADDICTIVE. sorry bout the capitals haha. thanks again xxx
i'm not sure why i watch csi miami. i watched it a few times and then became hooked. now i absolutely love the show.

for the second part of your question, no i do not think its an acurate protrayal of crime at all. if you are familiar with the cultivation theory then you know that the media shapes viewers' perception of violence in the real world. so many of the people who are heavy viewers of csim, csi, or other crime shows probably do think that crime is really that bad and if i didn't know any better i probably would too. writers, producers, etc. know this and they may not call it by name but its essentially the hypodermic needle theory. they are feeding us specific images, specific storylines that are going to play to our emotions and if they are really lucky then some of these plots or storylines are going to have resonance with viewers and viewer perception of crime in the real world is made that much stronger. i could start listing examples in specific episodes but i don't want to write a book here.

as far as representation of crime, if you happen to be talking about diversity, that isn't accurate either. but if you are a media student you know as well as any other media student that not one thing on television portrays accurately the level of diversity in our population and it never has, especially not when it comes to crime.

sorry for writing so much but it was a chance to combine my two favorite subjects, csi miami and effects of MM. :)
I watch CSI:Miami for entertainment. I was first hooked to it because of Adam Rodriguez and now I love the whole show!

For your second question, I know for a fact that Miami has a lot of crime. But as for the cases on the show...I have been to Miami and not every single case is the way it is on the show. The show is basically doing the cases for entertainment(even though I know that some of the cases are based off of real experiences).

So I hope I have answered your questions correctly. Good luck with your project! :D
Why I watch CSI:Miami?! Hmm, I don't know what got me addicted to it, but truth is that I am. I don't know. I like the way they mix the lab/character storylines, with the actual crime thing ones. I think it turns out pretty well, and I like it, not just in Miami but in all three CSI's.

About if I think their representation of crime in Miami is accurate, I have no idea of the real crime situation in Miami, so I can't really answer that one. I would like to know if it's actually close or not even near it :rolleyes:

Anyway, about the way they represent CSI's in general, and the techniques, I know that there are things that they do there that are not true, even though most are based on the reality. Though I know that they are faster, more brilliant and can do the most amazing things while real life CSI's sometimes can't.
Although, it's understandable as the show is a drama series, not a documentary, so I think that maybe even more than being about forensics, it's about the way people deal with crime and criminals, and the way things are handled in a CSI lab. Afterall, they have to put some different interesting storylines (that sometimes couldn't really happen) to catch out attention and get us hooked. My guess is that they're doing a good job so far, don't you think?

Hope this helped in any way. :)
Huge fan. Actually started watching it because I chanced upon an episode with Horatio and Yelina in it and I was hooked. There was such immediate chemistry.....well that's another thread, but that's the reason I started watching it. Honestly probably the reason I still watch for the most part. I agree that there is reportedly a lot of crime in Miami but I don't really think that the program is a terribly accurate depiction of the real thing. What we see on the show seems to involve mostly upper-income people. Granted they suffer their share of criminal activity but we don't often get to see as much crime in the streets as it were. Of course, shooting crime in the section of society isn't nearly as exciting as exploding banks or as colorful as wealth-filled day spas and people seem to tune in week after week enough to make it the world's most popular show, so I would guess that says something about our values as a whole....JMO
I stumbled upon an episode on A&E late one night when I expected to watch "Dog:The Bounty Hunter". Tells you something about my taste right there :lol: lol. Anyway, like many Bruckheimer productions, it was perfectly paced and sucked me in, and I HAD to know who did the crime and why. I've been a crime drama fan for most of my life, growing up on "Quincy" and later "Murder, She Wrote", which tells you something else about my taste.

As to its realism, it is not real! It's entertainment, through and through. There is no way DNA can be processed in a matter of minutes and bad guys are very often not caught in 12 hours. I asked a friend of mine who lives in Miami how closely the show represented the city, and she laughed and said it bore as much resemblance to Miami as the TNT show "Saved" bore to Portland, supposedly set here but filmed in Vancouver, BC. I don't watch it for the realism, though, I watch for an escape from the rest of the world and watch rich people and mafia members kill each other, get caught, and the bad guys going to jail. Hope that helps, and if you want to ask more questions for your project, I'd be more than happy to help!
haha! i did a similar project for my english class.
I stumbled upon it one night. it was the episode Blood Brothers. At first i thought it was some strange horror movie because it was right before the part where they found that guy with his thraot slit. so i watched it. next thing i knew. i was hooked!! and i watch it because it's exciting. entertaining and i love forensics and stuff. i also watch it for the hot sexy guys. i love the heart pounding stoires. they are just thrilling. and the first time i watched it i fell in love with it!! and then i saw Speed. my heart just stopped because he was just so sexy!! i couldn't help it! and i've watched it ever since.
I live in Miami, and I think that they make it a little more dramatic than it is. That stuff probably goes on, but it doesn't happen every five minutes. I watch it because they are really good actors, and I love jonathan togo, and seeing him in my hometown means alot. Plus, it's a good story.
My mother was the one who started watching it. At first I didn’t really cared about it, I would watch with her for several minutes and the move on to another thing. She was in love with the show, and with H (David Caruso actually) (still is) and somehow, watching it and talking about it, she gave me a little of her fanaticism, and suddenly I found myself completely in love with H and addicted to the show!
My love for H had a lot to do with me starting to watch it but then it was more than that, I love the show as a whole specially the interactions between the characters, and of course some cases help too! hehe

I can’t actually answer your second question but I hope this answer can still help you!