MCSK *No Spoilers*

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Dead on Arrival
Since there isn't one, I thought there should be a special place for MCSK. What are some of your thoughts on MCSK? Please do share.

MCSK = Miniature Crime Scene Killer

*EDITED: To add the spoiler warning and add in what MCSK means.*

no problem! :D i think it's a very interesting topic and i can't wait to see how it's going to go on....i want to know who the mcsk is!!! could be very thrilling

I just want to clear up something: this is a spoiler-free thread, right? Mods, could we add that to the title? Because if I get in here and read a spoiler, I'm gonna cry.

Meh, I have no pearls of wisdom about who it might be or anything, but wouldn't you love it if it turned out to be a woman. I can't remember them ever doing a woman serial killer before. It's something I find very interesting, and think it would be cool to explore.

I think they shouldn't let MCSK get caught just yet. I would love to see him/her go on the spinoff shows, and maybe have a season finale for all three be one single episode where MCSK gets caught. That would be cool, I think.

Yes, that would be cool, but we all know TPTB's lack of continuity. I'm surprised they made it halfway through this season with the MCSK :rolleyes:
Having a woman as a serial killer would be cool, too.
But I don't think this will happen (and I don't think Keppler is it, despite my first post. That was just me being silly :devil:)

I also think it would be cool to see the MCSK go in the spin off shows, then one episode where someone from all 3 CSI's interrogates him. It would so cool.

But it'll never happen. :lol:
I can't wait for Monster In The Box. I think it's fair to say that the doll in the pictures isn't any of the CSIs but do you thing it represents anything from past seasons? I personally think that because the doll has only one eye open that it might be a reference to Lady Heather's daughter who only had one eye of her's in her head. I even think it was blue like the doll's eye.
the murder has not yet been committed
which isn't how MCSK had worked, he killed and left a miniature there with the exception of Penny, in which the miniature had to be fixed to replicate the crime. I also had time to think of people that might be MCSK, some are Hodges who is always close to Grissom when Grissom is looking at the miniatures, Sarah because she's been acting pretty strange, Lady Heather because we never found out what happened with her daughter's killer, and Nick because I think he might have snapped after being thrown out a window, stalked, accused of murdering a prostitute, and being buried alive. I came up with a script for a possible MCSK episode that I'm calling "Fitting the Mold".
Okay we don't mind you all discussing the subject of MCSK but we are asking that you discuss ONLY what is known, and NOTHING having to do with any future episodes. So basically no spoilers, all future eps should be discussed only in the "Spoiler Lab".

While I did put in a spoiler tag above lets try to avoid them by not mentioning future episodes. This is being done so that EVERYONE has a chance to discuss the topic without fear of being spoiled.
Any chance, I wonder, that MCSK's any of the following?

1) Dr. Lurie
2) Magician-Guy
3) Spawn of Millander

At any rate, in my wishlist for Season 7 I said that Grissom needed a Moriarty and/or a serial killer. Although I wanted the latter to be Lurie, who'd gone over the deep end after killing his girlfriend. So I'm tickled pink that they actually did come up with a serial killer storyline that's challenging Grissom.
I think the doll is Lady Heather. She may be the next crime scene. Also, they never really finished the Milander storyline and in the commentaries the producers said they loved the actor/character and were really sad to see him go...then they added something like "but is he really gone?" to the commentary, so who knows...maybe it's Milander again.

Remember, he was a creator of all those halloween items, and Grissom commented on how "lifelike" the items looked.
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