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I have to say alcohol in the wrong people is just sometime s a recipe for disaster i think thats the only thing about weed is that the made effect is that it chills you out from what i had of it and from what friends have said and i've seen... alcohol can provoke so many different behaviours.

In my town there was a fight started just because these people waited for a taxi they were jumped on and 1 knocked unconcious... this was outside the only club in the town and it lasted 45min and there was a huge crowd joining in... all intoxicated.
But thats only fight there has been... my town isn't that bad just has its moments as full of a lot of Chavs which are known for being binge drinkers and the nasty types of drunk.

With weed i just don't think it would have the same effect but then different people have different reactions.

But then i can't argue it cos i like a drink and i have friends who get very drunk and fall over or drink a bottle of vodka to themselves, we're never bad drunks in that sense we just have a good time and feel crap the next day, i've done it a fair few times and have no learnt my limit and know when to stop but still be tipsy enough to have fun.
Everyone thinks marijuana is legalised here in the Netherlands. I want to tell everyone right now: It's not. It's tolerated, you can have a maximum of 5 grammes with you.

Anyways, I've never smoked it and I never intended to, never will. I do think it should be legalised, just because tobacco and alcohol have been legalised too. Alcohol and tobacco probably have more harmful effects on health. But because people in history liked to drink a lot of wine, it's far more accepted, if you get what I mean.
Packed a few bowls tonight at a party and, unlike the drinkers, I didn't start breaking bottles and puking blood. Hey, right-wing propagandists, tell me again how I'm the one making a dick out of myself.
I'm not liking the tone and the direction this thread has become. It's suppose to be about marijuana not drinking. If you can't get back on topic I will be closing this thread.

Consider yourselves all warned :)
Alright then -

What's your favourite apparatus for smoking? Papers, pipes, vapourisers, bongs, waterbongs, hookahs, apples, pop cans, dugouts?

Call me old fashioned but I'll always love papers, usually with a filter popped into the end to cool the smoke down a little. The tastiest thing I've ever smoked out of was a grapefruit, believe it or not - carve it out the same way you would an apple, but the smoke is juicy and wet and cool.
Interesting topic. I've smoked a bit of pot when I was 16-18. I've always had trouble with the smoke though, I was never able to take more than a few puffs, cause the smoke feels like it's burning my throat. I've always been a non-smoker and preferred marijuana in the shape of cookies and choccolate. :p

But my drug of choice has always been and will always be alcohol, anyway. ;)
basically i have nothing against people who choose to smoke weed. i've seen people smoke, i've been offered to taste it, but i've never been the one to take up on the offer. i snorted snuff (popular in central Europe) a bunch of times on parties and i drink from time to time, but reasonably. i absolutely hate cigarretes.

i think everybody chooses some kind of a stimulant that is right for them. if you feel comfortable with alcohol, that's fine by me. if you prefer weed, that's ok too.
Usually I stick to papes and pipes but at the occasional session we pass around a bong. I've only tried a hoohak twice but damn they're fun, and I haven't had to carve out an apple since high school, and I'm glad because frankly it was a pain in the ass.

The tastiest thing I've ever smoked out of was a grapefruit, believe it or not - carve it out the same way you would an apple, but the smoke is juicy and wet and cool.
Grapefruit? Really? I would of thought that it would have a hint bitterness to it. And still on the subject of tasty - has anyone here tried blueberry? It's not what you would expect as far as taste goes, but it's not like regular weed. Was a bit of a disappointment to tell you the truth.

i think everybody chooses some kind of a stimulant that is right for them. if you feel comfortable with alcohol, that's fine by me. if you prefer weed, that's ok too.

I like you, haha.
basically i have nothing against people who choose to smoke weed. i've seen people smoke, i've been offered to taste it, but i've never been the one to take up on the offer. i snorted snuff (popular in central Europe) a bunch of times on parties and i drink from time to time, but reasonably. i absolutely hate cigarretes.

i think everybody chooses some kind of a stimulant that is right for them. if you feel comfortable with alcohol, that's fine by me. if you prefer weed, that's ok too.

actually, weed's a depressant.
edit: isn't it?
that's what they always taught us in my school, ahah, but i've never been depressed from it.
I like you, haha.
lol :p

actually, weed's a depressant.
edit: isn't it?
that's what they always taught us in my school, ahah, but i've never been depressed from it.
nah, alcohol is a depressant too. it's all in theory, though. they are what you make them. you can have fun with both drinks or weed. you just can't go overboard with either of them.

btw, i recommend this video ;)
Ok I'm going to lock this thread down. You've been asked not to admit smoking marijuana and since you're now talking about paper or pipes how can you give you opinion on either without saying you've smoked it.
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