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Who smokes ganja?

I smoke it. And no, I am not an out of control teen looking for attention. I'm a bio-chem major who enjoys smoking some weed on occasion, and don't think anything is wrong with it.

What are your thoughts?
I don't smoke it no, but I'm of the belief that it should be legal and controlled in the same way Alcohol or Tobacco is. I know in November on the ballot in MA is a proposal to end criminal penalties for possession for marijuana. Personally I hope it passes. The other great thing about it are the terible movies made as warnings about what will happen to you if you do start to smoke weed.
A couple of things here :)

cyber when posting a comment please use more than 3 words. We want some meaningful discussions here and 3 words doesn't do it :)

Secondly, we'll be watching this thread closely as it seems to be an iffy subject. The one thing I ask is that you don't admit to smoking it. As this is an illegal substance in a lot of places we don't want to say that it is OK to do something illegal particularly when we have a lot of minors on talk.csi
This is an interesting subject but iffy like Jacquie mentioned.

Erm i've never considered the idea or have never been in a situation where I have had to consider it. In my opinion it is a person's own choice of what they do and would never hold anyone against it :)
I have never smoked it and I never intend to. Some people believe marijuana is a 'safe' drug. Everyone is shocked when they hear someone is taking something like coke or heroin, but are not as shocked when they hear someone is smoking marijuana, but it is just as dangerous to your body.

I think taking any sort of drug, whether it's heroin or just simply smoking, is dangerous and people are taking a big risk, that is really not worth taking.

Drugs don't just affect you, they affect the people around you too. Think before experimenting with any sort of drug.
Gotcha, Jacquie.

I mean, it is true that marijuana is a drug and that no drugs by any means should be seen as "right" or "okay", but when I observe how alcohol and cigarettes and even chewing tobacco has been allowed into our society it makes me think. My grandfather, a long time smoker has been telling my little sister (who is 7) since she could speak that nicotine and tobacco is bad. I have never taken his warnings seriously because often times he'd have a cigerette in his mouth.

So my question to you guys is: Do you think that the anti-drug campaigns (for example in Canada: the "Above the Influence" campaign" really make an impact at all, or should that money be spent on more personal and hard-hitting warnings that really show the reality of its effects?
I've never even heard to the "Above the Influence" campaign. (But then, I live in Belgium :p)

I'm not sure they really help. I've been smoking regular tobacco for years now and no campaign has ever persuaded me to stop. Although the pictures they put on the packages are gross (no one likes to look at a dead body...), it doesn't work.
I don't think you can convince people to give up something, if they don't want to. They'll always find a way to get around.

(I'm not sure I'm allowed to say this, so feel free to delete the following, mods)
The last time I smoked marijuana (which is about 3 years ago), I got really sick. And I mean seriously sick: vomiting, nauseas, passing out, the whole nine yards. I've never touched a joint since then. Just thinking about it, makes me sick.
What I mean is, it all depends on personal experience. It's hard to convince someone not to do something, when that person has never had a bad experience with it.
I think marijuana is a perfectly safe drug when used responsibly - basically, not putting yourself in a position where you'll be driving, swimming, etc. It's almost impossible to overdose on pot, you need to smoke twice your bodyweight or something ridiculous (1:40000, where one will get you high and 40000 will kill you), and most people literally cannot smoke that much before passing out or before the other effects wear off.

I'm way more pro-pot than pro-alcohol, and I'll argue that for hours.
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I think marijuana is a perfectly safe drug when used responsibly - basically, not putting yourself in a position where you'll be driving, swimming, etc.

My ex friend was a firm believer that you can smoke it and drive. When my other friend said she didn't want to drive around with her when she was high she got all defensive. Stating that she would let someone who was on medication drive (She claims the pot is for her "anxiety disorder"... self diagnosed of course :rolleyes:).

Her usage really bothered me personally. And not just because of the driving thing. She would blow $200 a month for pot (200x12=2400 a year) which I think could have been used more productively. And anxiety was clearly just an excuses to make using seem ok in her head. It's actually one of the reasons we're not friends anymore.

I personally have never used it and I never plan to. But I have been around it quite a bit in the past. I'm not a fan of it at all. But I guess it's because I've seen first hand, and up close how it can seriously start interfering with you life and the lives of others around you.
I'm not a smoker, but I have nothing in particular against it.

IMO, it's no more dangerous than Alcohol. The thing is, alcohol is much more culturally accepted than Marijuana. And perhaps more dangerous, both because of that, and health effects from drinking too much.

I do agree, one shouldn't drive, swim, operate heavy machinery, or be in a position where they'll have to do something sensitive, just like you are prohibited from doing those things under the influence of alcohol.

However, it's not physically addictive, it's not a gateway drug, and the health effects are not definitively bad in someone over the age of 18.

I do feel that kids shouldn't smoke. There is research linking teenage marijuana use to adult onset mental illnesses like Schizophrenia. Just like there's research linking childhood/teenage drinking to health problems and stunted growth later in life.

Alcohol does cause health problems if used in excess. It's been proven to cause ulcers, brain damage, high blood pressure, dependence, birth defects, and cirrhosis of the liver. DUI/DWI is dangerous and illegal. Drunk driving accidents kill people/wreck lives. Alcoholism is a very real problem. Both while a person is drinking and after they dry out. There's research that the after effects of alcohol dependency are horrendous.

I think that the key term here is ABUSE. If you use anything to excess, it causes problems, as anyone who's ever had a hangover knows.

I personally think that Marijuana should be regulated like Alcohol/Tobacco. Don't sell it to minors, have reminders about using responsibly and tax the hell out of it. Doesn't affect the sale of tobacco and liquor. I know in the US, there are various ways of controlling alcohol. Some states have laws where you can't sell alcohol on Sunday, some sell it exclusively in State Run stores, some states the hardest stuff you can get outside of a liquor store is wine.

I think laws like that should be placed in effect for Marijuana. Nothing under 18/21, have a test for THC in the blood or on the breath, and tax it. Protects the youth (at least as much as alcohol prohibition under 18/21 does), removes the "forbidden fruit" temptation, and creates some revenue.

/granted, all this is my own not so humble opinion, and should be taken with a truckload of salt.
Smoking i've never been really for my dads smoked since well her was 16 i think and still does... i have asthma and its never really stopped him although my asthma is allergy related more than that but he has cut down recently.

My ex bf used to smoke it a lot every that time i had never tried it never saw the excitement and it stayed like that although i was around it a lot. I have since tried it after we split which some think is wierd but i suppose curiosity got the better of me and fresh from a break up but i didnt see the wow factor and never done it since then.

The problem i think is you make it illegal more people will do it because its illegal which makes it more exciting but you make it legal and the novelty i think would wear off because people wouldn't get a buzz from sneaking around to get it.
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It's a tricky subject, I agree.

I am a smoker. I smoke a lot, I have started to smoke since I was 15 (now I'm 20) and I regret it. I used to be a sports gal, but since I have started smoking my physical resistance went down the drain. I used to run 5 laps f a football field without a problem, and now after 400 m I can barely breathe.

I also do alcohol, I am not an alcoholic though, but when I party I drink too much for my own good, and I know it makes me sick, but for the sake of the party I do it anyways. I also regret something that happened while being drunk, but that is a wholo different story.

Marijuana I have never smoked, and frankly never intend to. I am too scared that I will be sick from it, and it will make me do stupid things that I might regret. I am too scared to be precise. It is illegal in my country and my opinion is that it should stay that way, simply because it is a drug. Governments all over the world have installed strict policies against smoking and alcohol in an attempt to make people quit it. It will happen, but it is a slow process that in time will have effects.
Marijuana I have never smoked, and frankly never intend to. I am too scared that I will be sick from it, and it will make me do stupid things that I might regret. I am too scared to be precise. It is illegal in my country and my opinion is that it should stay that way, simply because it is a drug.
The weird thing is, that most people do a lot more stupid things when they're drunk, than when they smoke a joint. Yet alcohol is not restricted (ok, no minors), marijuana is. Drunk people are extremely annoying when you go out and how many accidents happen because the driver got into his seat drunk? I've seen 16-year olds being dragged out of bars, because they were drunk as hell. Let the government take care of matters like this first, and maybe then start restricting marijuana.

(I'm no angel when it comes to alcohol, but people gotta learn when too much is too much)
Drunk people are extremely annoying when you go out and how many accidents happen because the driver got into his seat drunk? I've seen 16-year olds being dragged out of bars, because they were drunk as hell. Let the government take care of matters like this first, and maybe then start restricting marijuana.

Don't generalise, not all drunk people are annoying :p yes, some are, but not everyone.
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